FFTo (1: halfn)). ^ 2);% result is mel-scale filtered = max (spectr1 (:), 1e -22); = dct (spectr);% obtains DCT, changes to cepstral domain (1) = Ce;% replaces first coefficient = c (1: num);% retains first num coefficients = coeffs. * lifter ';% Multiplies coefficients by lifter value (i, :) = ncoeffs ';% assigns mfcc coeffs to succesive rows i
% Call the deltacoeff function to compute derivatives of MFCC
% coefficients; add all together to yield a matrix with 3 * num columns = (deltacoeff (FMatrix)). * 0.6;% Computes delta-mfcc = (deltacoeff (d)). * 0.4;% as above for delta -delta-mfcc = [FMatrix, d, d1];% concatenates all together
1.4.Лістінг melbankm.m
[x, mn, mx] = melbankm (p, n, fs, fl, fh, w)
% MELBANKM determine matrix for a mel-spaced filterbank [X, MN, MX] = (P, N, FS, FL, FH, W)
% Inputs: p number of filters in filterbank
% n length of fft
% fs sample rate in Hz
% fl low end of the lowest filter as a fraction of fs (default = 0)
% fh high end of highest filter as a fraction of fs (default = 0.5)
% w any sensible combination of the following:
% 't' triangular shaped filters in mel domain (default)
% 'n' hanning shaped filters in mel domain
% 'm' hamming shaped filters in mel domain
% 'z' highest and lowest filters taper down to zero (default)
% 'y' lowest filter remains at 1 down to 0 frequency and
% highest filter remains at 1 up to nyquist freqency
% If 'ty' or 'ny' is specified, the total power in the fft is preserved.
% Outputs: xa sparse matrix containing the filterbank amplitudes
% If x is the only output argument then size (x) = [p, 1 + floor (n/2)]
% otherwise size (x) = [p, mx-mn +1]
% mn the lowest fft bin with a non-zero coefficient
% mx the highest fft bin with a non-zero coefficient
% Usage: f = fft (s); f = fft (s);
% x = melbankm (p, n, fs); [x, na, nb] = melbankm (p, n, fs);
% n2 = 1 + floor (n/2); z = log (x * (f (na: nb)). * conj (f (na: nb)));
% z = log (x * abs (f (1: n2)). ^ 2);
% c = dct (z); c (1) = [];
% To plot filterbanks e.g. plot (melbankm (20,256,8000) ')
%% Version: $ Id: melbankm.m, v 1.3 2005/02/21 15:22:13 dmb Exp $
% VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing.
% Home page: # "justify"> 2. Код програми DiagSound мовою C #
2.1. Лістинг файлу Form1.cs
using System; System.Collections.Generic; System.ComponentModel; System.Data; Sy
{partial class Form1: Form
{FileName; obj ...