Adress);. Add ( 'Пошта:' + curAbonent.Mail);: = curAbonent.Tel; tel <> nil do (tel.typeTel = Mobile) then.Add ('Мобільний:' + tel.telephone). Add ('Домашній: TObject);
даленіеконтакта ', MB_YESNO + TObject);
Ефона ', MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION);;; (telList = nil) then; StringGrid2.Row <0 then.Row: = 0;
даленіетелефона ', MB_YESNO + _ICONINFORMATION) = IDYES) then: = 1;: = telList;: = nil; ((index <> StringGrid2.Row) and (delTel <> nil)) do : = delTel;: = delTel.nextTelephone; (index);; backTel <> nil TObject); TObject);// закритіекнігі;: ='';. Enabled: = False;. Enabled: = False;. Clear;. Cols [1]. Clear;. RowCount: = 2;. Rows TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);;; TForm1.MaskEdit2Change (Sender: TObject); (ComboBox1.ItemIndex = 0) then.Visible: = true;. Visible: = false;. Visible: = false;. Visible: = true ;;; TForm1.MaskEdit1Change (Sender: TObject); (ComboBox1.ItemIndex = 0) then.Visible: = true;. Visible: = false;. Visible: = false;. Visible: = true;;; TForm1.ComboBox1Change ( Sender: TObject); (ComboBox1.ItemIndex = 0) do: = curAb.Tel; tel <> nil = 0; tel.typeTel = Mobile then: = tel.telephone; proverka (findStrAr, findTemp) = 1;; = 0 TObject);: = 0;. Enabled: = true; Combobox2.ItemIndex = 1 then (beeline) Combobox2.ItemIndex = 2 then (megafon) Combobox2.ItemIndex = 3 then (mtc) Combobox2.ItemIndex = 4 then (tele2); Combobox2.ItemIndex = 0 then (); (ListBox1);. Enabled: = false;. Caption: = FloatToStr (time) + 'msec.';; vykl ();: LinkAbonent;: = TelephoneBook.nextAbonent; curAb <> ; nil = 1;: = curAb.nextAbonent;;; proverka (mas: tmas; str: string): boolean; s: string;: integer;: = false;: = copy (str, 1,3 ); i: = 0 to 9 domas [i] = s then: = true;;;; TForm1.Timer1Timer (Sender: TObject);: = time +1;;.
Код програми тестування:;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,, StdCtrls; = class (TForm): TEdit;: TLabel;: TButton; Button1Click (Sender: TObject );
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations}; Nam (): string; Tel (): string; Teld (): string; tmas = array [1 .. 33] of string;:
ч ',' ш ',' щ ',' ь ',' и ',' ь ',' е ',' ю ',' я ');
{$ R *. dfm} TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); i: integer; Ne: string; (fileBook, 'c: test.tlb'); (fileBook);: = StrToInt (Edit1.Text);: = 0; i