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Реферат Criminal law

enerates into deliberate cruelty or meanness. One can »t be permissive about such things. To me it seems very clear that we should bring up the next generation with a greater respect for law and for other people's rights. » Girls are turning to violent crimegirls commit more than one in four of all juvenile crimes and are becoming increasingly involved in violence, according to a Government study.1957, girls accounted for only one crime in 11. This striking change was highlighted in a report commissioned by the Health Department into anti-social behaviour in adolescents. It shows that the criminal activities of so-called girl gangs - that attract publicity because they are thought to be unusual - are in fact part of a worsening trend.the past 10 years, the number of arrests of girls for violence has more than doubled and juvenile crime is increasing at a faster rate among girls than boys. This is said to be almost entirely the result of cultural changes of the post-war period - particularly family breakdown - that are evident across the western world.the past, girls were effectively supervised and were less likely to be exposed to anti-social influences . are less likely to supervise daughters as they once did. Young girls are spending increasing amounts of time at school. Also, where once a 13-year-old would sit in her bedroom listening to records with a friend, now there is a trend towards girls doing the same as boys have always done, which is going around on the streets in groups of five or more.are more likely to be involved in burglary and drug offences. But the ratio falls for criminal damage, robbery, violence and theft.parental supervision is a major factor in delinquency and the increase both in juvenile crime and the involvement of girls has coincided with high divorce rates and family breakdown.is also a vicious circle at play, with anti-social girls more likely to become teenage mothers and to be less in a position to give their own offspring the care and supervision that can prevent the next generation sliding into criminality.


so long ago, women were losing ground. Through the history we can see women oppressed by men: from the very beginning women duty was housekeeping, they had no rights: they couldn t vote or have education or work. A man can do anything, a woman can do nothing. Later, women won the right to vote, to have a job, to air opinion. But women still have a very long way to go before they attain more or less equal position with men. Nowadays, we are formally equal with men, but in practice we face such a phenomena of women being the last to be hired and the first to be fired. It happens for many reasons. First of all, employee hire a man instead a woman because of physical superiority, they are great endurance. If a woman has not children, she will, so employee should pay money during her maternity leave, or even if she has already children she can often go on sick-leave. An employee loses money, so it s more convenient to hire a man. The earnings gap between men and women is wide. Having either the same or different positions with men women still have less salary. Incredibly, women college graduates earn less than men who have not finished high school. It is sad that women are equal with men and can posses any position they want. What is interesting is that the number of women-politicians or women holding high positions...

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