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Реферат Criminal law

in the companies are lower. At the government there are a few women. There has never been a woman president. Being a woman you can face such problem as sexual harassment from a boss, or simply untactful flirtation., As well as men, have compelling economic reasons for working and deserve well-paying and meaningful jobs. Women should receive the same pay as men for the same work, have the same educational opportunities, and be able to rise in any occupation as far as they can. Women should have equal rights in marriage. Today women are free to choose a husband, but some stereotypes are still exist, for example: Women s business - housekeeping and education of the children, taking decisions is men s business or Keep silence woman, your day is 8 of March, A woman without man is imperfect member of society and so on. According to such inequities appeared such movement as feminism-supporters of women s rights. Equality in family relations presupposes that a wife and a husband divide all housekeeping chores, such as cooking, cleaning, food shopping, diaper changing, and child rearing equally. Household expenses are also shared. Women may keep their maiden names after marriage. All these have already exist in our society, but do not approve entirely

I can say in conclusion, that women did great work to won more or less equal position in society. Women are strong and clever as men. Maybe one of the reason why men don t give us chance to be completely equal is that they are afraid that it can turn out that woman are clever, stronger and can achieve more success.

Last hired, first fired

have come a country mile, no doubt about it, since the days - not so long ago - when the job world was an all-male preserve. Nowadays women are walking police beats, running giant computers, and even booting home racehorses. But the sad truth is that women are still by no means equals in the job market - they may well, in fact, be losing ground! Still have a very long way to go before they attain either equal employment opportunities or equal pay. And the recent recession has even caused women to lose some of the gains they had won in a balmier economy. It is the old sad story of women being the last to be hired and the first to be fired.the country, unemployment and underemployment are dramatically higher for women that for men, In 1976 unemployment for white men was 5,7%, but it was 7,3% for white women and more that 13% for minority women.earnings gap between men and women has actually widened over the past twenty years. Women holding full-time jobs average a salary of 6,800 $ a year, 43% less than 11.800 $ earned by men; whereas 20 years ago, women earned 36% less than men. Incredibly, women college graduates earn less than men who have not finished high school.despite the publicity given to the occasional woman oceanographer or auto mechanic, women are still fairly concentrated in the traditional fields of clerical and service work. although the number of women professionals has grown significantly, the growth has been mainly in the low status areas of noncollege teaching and nursing, where women have always predominated.sometimes hears the argument that higher unemployment and lower wages for women are not really serious problems because women work only because they want to. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women work because they need the...

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