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Реферат Британська енергетична стратегія

Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p. 22. p> 3. Енциклопедичний словник. Відавці Ф. А. Брокгауз, І. А. Ефрон. Під ред. К. К. Арсеньєва, О. О. Петрушевскаго. - СПб. , "Тіпо-Літографія І. А. Ефрона ", 1892

4. The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Macropedia. Knowledge in Depth, 15 * Edition. Chicago, "Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc", vol. 29,1994,1088 p. p> 5. Meeting the Energy Challenge. "A White Paper on Energy", May 2007. London, Department of Trade and Industry, 2007, p. 109. p> 6. Our energy future - creating a low carbon economy. "Energy White Paper ". London, Department for Trade and Industry, 2003, p. 10

7. Hawkins N. Re-energizing Britain. Promoting investment in our energy future. London, Adam Smith Research Trust, Adam Smith Institute, 2009, p. 9,11. p> 8. Meeting the Energy Challenge, p. 112. p> 9. UK Energy Sector Indicators 2007: a Supplement to the Fourth Annual Report on progress towards 2003 Energy White Paper goals. London, Department of Trade and Industry, 2007, p. 11. p> 10. Кгоерр1 С. Oil Economy 2007. Brussels, Eurostat, European Commission, 2008, 9 p. p> 11. Нuерег P. Fundamentals of Energy Infrastructure Security. Risk Mitigation in the International Environment "PetroleumEconomist", August2005. 12. Jimene z A. Statistical aspects of the natural gas economy in 2008. Eurostat, 16/2009, p. 1. p> 13. "Energy. Monthly Statistics "№ 5, Eurostat, 2009, p. 24,25. p> 14. fathom-consulting. com scottishpower. com , Www. edfenetgy. com . p> 15. International Financial Markets in the UK, International Financial Services London. London, May 2008, p. 20. p> 16Кhrіsten kо V. Energy collaboration is free from Soviet ghosts. "Financial Times", May 7,2006. p> 17. BrownG. This is how we will stand up to Russia's naked aggression. "The Observer", August 31, 2008. p> 18. World Energy Outlook 2006. International Energy Agency. Paris, 2006, p. 41. p> 19. Велика БРИТАНІЯ: епоха реформ. (Підред. А. А. Громико). - М., "Весь Мі ф", 2007, с. 260. p> 20. Global Financial Stability Report. Responding to the Financial Crisis and Measuring Systemic Risk. IMF. Washington, April 2009, p. 6. p> 21. Кузнєцов О. В. Енергетичний баланс Велікобрітанії: точка неповернення. "Фінансові ризик" № 3, 2007, с. 18. p> 22. Кузнєцов О. В. Енергетичні клопоти англійців. "Міжнародне життя" № 11, 2008, с. 142. p> 23. Energy, Transport and Environment Indicators. Eurostat. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008, p. 58. p> 24. The Lambert Review of Business-University Collaboration. HM Treasury. Norwich, HM Treasury, December 2003, p. 19,142. p> 25. UK Energy Sector Indicators 2007: a supplement to the Fourth Annual Report on progress towards 2003 "Energy White Paper goals ". London, Department of Trade and Industry, 2007, p. 11. p> 26. U...

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