які необхідно протестувати для кожного із запропонованих критеріїв. Даний процес легко автоматизується, а це є необхідною складовою загального процесу автоматизації тестування, а також обов'язковим компонентом при перевірці якості спроектованого тесту. p> Ключові слова: програмне забезпечення, надійність ПЗ, моделі оцінювання надійності ПЗ, тестування ПО, інтеграційне тестування ПЗ, критерії та метрики, компонентно-базованих ПО, автоматизація тестування.
Didkovska M.V. Estimation methods and means of software reliability increase. - Manuscript. p> Thesis for a candidate's degree in technical science by speciality 05.13.06 - Automatic control systems and modern information technologies. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ", Kyiv, 2006. p> The thesis is devoted to the development of software reliability estimation models and means of software reliability increase during the whole software life cycle, according to the modern tendencies in software development. p> Generalized and extended software reliability estimation model based on the nonhomogeneous Poisson process was developed. Function of failure intensity of this model has complex form, which coincides with the results obtained in practice. It allows to take into account the process of learning during testing.
The application of reliability grows models is limited, because it's not always possible to obtain all necessary input data for models. In such a case a testing can be used. p> During the investigation the new integration testing criteria and measures that are based on design description of software component interaction were introduced. They are innovative and utilize formal design description as a basis. These criteria have practical value because the fulfillment of criteria can be automatically checked using well-known notation of UML-diagrams. Formal coverage criteria offer testers ways to select test data and provide necessary stopping rules. They allow to develop test plans in the early phases of software development.
Key words: software, software reliability, software reliability estimation, software testing, integration testing, component-based software, computer-aided testing. br/>
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