Click (Sender: TObject); (); (image1. Canvas);; go (i, cell: integer); [i]: = pjat [cell]; [cell]: = 0;: = steps +1; ( main. image1. Canvas);. label2. Caption: = inttostr (steps); CheckPole = 'yes' then showmessage (pre. wintext);; direction (dire: string); cell: integer; dire = 'sdown' then if (keybpos <= 12) then keybpos: = keybpos +4; dire = 'sleft' then if (keybpos <> 1) and (keybpos <> 5) and (keybpos <> 9) and (keybpos <> 13) then keybpos: = keybpos-1; dire = 'sup' then if (keybpos> = 5) then keybpos: = keybpos-4; dire = 'sright'then if (keybpos <> 4) and (keybpos <> 8) and (keybpos <> 12 ) and (keybpos <> 16) then keybpos: = keybpos +1; dire = 'space' then begin: = keybpos; (pjat [cell-1] = 0) and (cell> = 2) and (cell <= 17) then (cell-1, cell); (pjat [cell +1] = 0) and (cell> = 0) and (cell <= 15) then (cell +1, cell); (pjat [cell-4 ] = 0) and (cell> = 5) and (cell <= 20) then (cell-4, cell); (pjat [cell +4] = 0) and (cell> = -3) and (cell <= 12) then (cell +4, cell);; (main. image1. Canvas);; TMain. Image1Click (Sender: TObject);, y, cell: integer; keyb = 'no' then: = mouse. CursorPos. x-image1. left-main. Left-4;
y: = mouse. CursorPos. y-image1. top-main. top-30;: = x div 50;: = y div 50;
cell: = x * 1 + y * 4 +1; (pjat [cell-1] = 0) and (cell> = 2) and (cell <= 17) then (cell-1 , cell); (pjat [cell +1] = 0) and (cell> = 0) and (cell <= 15) then (cell +1, cell); (pjat [cell-4] = 0) and (cell> ; = 5) and (cell <= 20) then (cell-4, cell); (pjat [cell +4] = 0) and (cell> = -3) and (cell <= 12) then (cell +4 , cell);;; TMain. SwitchClick (Sender: TObject); (keyb = 'yes'): = 'no'; (image1. Canvas);: = 'yes'; (image1. Canvas);;; TMain. ExitClick (Sender: TObject);;; TMain. FormPaint (Sender: TObject);. Caption: = pre. WholestepsText; keyb = 'no'keyb =' yes '; TMain. FormKeyDown (Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;: TShiftState); keyb = 'yes'Key of_down: direction (' sdown '); _left: direction (' sleft '); _up: direction (' sup '); _right: direction ('sright'); _space: direction ('space'); _TAB: SwitchClick (Sender); key of_TAB: SwitchClick (Sender);;; TMain. SwitchMouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);. Visible: = False;. Visible: = True;; TMain. SwitchMouseUp (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);. Visible: = True;. Visible: = False;; TMain. ResetMouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);. Visible: = False;. Visible: = True;; TMain. ResetMouseUp (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);. Visible: = True;. Visible: = False;; TMain. ExitMouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);. Visible: = False;. Visible: = True...