Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Розробка контролера управління послідовним портом

Реферат Розробка контролера управління послідовним портом

rs. * p align="justify"> **

* input cond. - Reset *

* output cond. - None (infinite loop) *

* stack used - 4 bytes *

* variables used - none *

* ROM used - 28 bytes *

****************************************** ***********************************

org ROM; start at the top of ROMrsp; reset the stack pointer

jsr init; initialize port pins_loop jsr get_char; receive one byte of data

; from rxd pin

bcc no_frame_error; branch if no noise occured

bclr frame, status_port; turn on frame LED

bra continue; don't check for noise -

; it's undefined_frame_err bset frame, status_port; turn off frame LED

bhcs noise_error; branch if noise occured

bset noise, status_port; turn off noise LED

bra continue; skip next line of code_noise_err bclr noise, status_port; turn on noise LEDjsr put_char; transmit the received byte

bra main_loop; and prepare for next

; reception.

* init - initialize port pins for sci operation and for driving LEDs; *

* called by main *


* input cond. - None *

* output cond. - TXD = output initialize to 1, RXD = input, noise LED = *

* off, frame LED = off. * p align="justify"> * stack used - 0 bytes *

* variables used - none *

* ROM used - 15 bytes *

****************************************** ************************************ bset txd, serial_port; init txd = 1

bset txd, serial_port +4; txd = output

bclr rxd, serial_port +4; rxd = input

bset noise, status_port; noise LED = off

bset noise, status_port +4; noise = output

bset frame, status_port; frame LED = off

bset frame, status_port +4; frame = output

rts; exit (init)

****************************************** ************************************

* get_char - receive one byte of data from RXD pin; called by main *


* input cond. - RXD pin defined as an input pin * output cond. - Char contains received data; X, ACC undefined; *

* half carry = 1 (frame occured) or 0 (no frame error); *

* carry = 1 (noise and/or frame error occured) or 0 *

* (no noise). * p align=...

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