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Реферат Frame analysis

Ministry of Science and Education of UkraineUkrainka Volyn National UniversityGermanic Philology Department

on Prototype Theory:

Frame analysis

Prepared bystudent of Group 41Viktoriia

Lutsk - 2009



1. Defining cognitive linguistics

2. What frame analysis is

. Applications of frame analysis


Cognitive linguistics is taken to refer to the approach to the study of language that began to emerge in the 1970s and has been increasingly active since the 1980s (now endowed with an international society with biennial conferences and a journal , Cognitive Linguistics). A quarter century later, a vast amount of research has been generated under the name of cognitive linguistics. Most of the research has focused on semantics, but a significant proportion also is devoted to syntax and morphology, and there has been cognitive linguistic research into other areas of linguistics such as language acquisition, phonology and historical linguistics.analysis is a type of discourse analysis that asks, What activity are speakers engaged in when they say this? What do they think they are doing by talking in this way at this time? Consider how hard it is to make sense of what you are hearing or reading if you don't know who's talking or what the general topic is. When you read a newspaper, you need to know whether you are reading a news story, an editorial, or an advertisement in order to properly interpret the text you are reading. Years ago, when Orson Welles 'radio play "The War of the Worlds" was broadcast, some listeners who tuned in late panicked, thinking they were hearing the actual end of the world. They mistook the frame for news instead of drama. br/>


Frame analysis belongs to the domain of cognitive (ie related to mental processes of perception and reasoning) linguistics.linguistics is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and "the way we perceive and conceptualize it. It endeavours to explain facts about language in terms of known properties and mechanisms of the human mind/brain.suggested by Ungerer and Schmid, cognitive linguistics is today represented by three main approaches: the experiential view, the prominence view, and the attentional view of language.main claim of the experiential view is that instead of postulating logical rules and ob...

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