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Реферат The state apparatus of Ukraine

that the lo В¬ locally level public administration "separated" from politics and be loyal to the state, whatever policy it pursued. Yas В¬ a thing, to achieve this in practice can not, for obvious reasons, not always. Is noticeable, in particular, the social heterogeneity of different segments of civil servants (higher among В¬ sibilities and low levels of administrative system, military and civil officials, etc.).) The judiciary; main purpose of the judiciary is to resolve conflicts and disputes between subject В¬ we have rights, protection and restoration of their rights in bringing offenders to law is responsible В¬ responsibility.the states of social-democratic orientation of these bodies are characterized, so to speak, pluralism (exercising constitutional, administrative В¬ tive, civil, criminal, arbitration, military and other proceedings) that allows for differentiated procedures for deciding cases that arise in different fields social life, and so marked neabyya В¬ Coy specificity.) bodies con В¬ trolno-supervisors; these structures are formed by those or other В¬ we supreme bodies of state (parliament, pre В¬ dent or others.), But in the state apparatus they occupy a special place with its own clearly defined powers, they ve В¬ plays a relatively independent role in state and society. These include, for example, prosecution, Ombudsman (Parliamentary Ombudsmen for human and civil rights) [14, c.95-98]. Bodies are not link element part of any other state structures and can therefore be considered as a special kind of state .

) the method of formation :) elected ;) at В¬ znachuvani ;) those that are inherited;

) Time of operation :) constant ;) temporary;

) the composition :) single-person ;) collegial;

) on the territory covered by the their powers :) general (central) ;) mon В¬ tsevi (local). government agencies are involved local authorities, who at the local В¬ nor do most legal means several government functions, though not formally considered officials (organ В¬ mi) state. This so-called municipal authorities.primary municipal formed (elected) citizens living in fear Me В¬ a territorial administrative ode В¬ baser (ie certain territorial community). They, too, to some extent you are utilized to В¬ fulfillment of state tasks and functions [8, c.62-64]., Public authorities are structural elements of the state apparatus, which are created for a certain type of government activities that have their own goals, objectives and functions.

SECTION III. DIRECTIONS improve the functioning of the state apparatus IN UKRAINE

the mechanism of the state as a system of government organizations engaged in not only managing general social affairs, but also vital for society as a whole, shows not only the nature of the state as a political organization, but also its social orientation . This approach to the definition of the state is characteristic of modern constitutional law of Ukrai...

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