ne. The Constitution of Ukraine stressed: "Ukraine is a sovereign, independent, democratic, social, law-based state" [1, page 1]. The above interpretation of the state makes it possible to make a number of additions to the concept of rule of law, to settle the boundaries not only political, but also directly economic, social and spiritual influence of the state on civil society.allows you to define the limits of the state's influence on society, not only in the political but also social, economic and other aspects. These limits can be defined as: the state is valid only in those areas of social life and in the volumes that can not be resolved and settled by civil society itself to ensure its viability and is with this notion of the state mechanism, which performs the tasks and functions of state sovereign, independent, democratic, social and legal, it is appropriate to outline directions of its reform and restructuring in accordance with the provisions of the administrative reform is happening in the country. This is primarily:
Interaction of all branches of power in the interest of overall development and strengthening of Ukraine;
Reforming the judicial system, because the court has actually become a force that protects law, ensure its supremacy in the state and public life;
Responsibility, synthesis of energy, discipline and cohesion in the state apparatus, its effective and coherent personnel policy, competence and professionalism in the work;
Implementation of balanced regional policy, as well as establishing a system of local government;
Reduction of the state apparatus, its reorganization, strengthening the principle of separation of functions between the branches of government;
Introduction of an independent legal assessment aimed at making laws and decisions;
The need for a new system of values, which form the basis of freedom, democracy and independence of the media, social justice, spiritual development based on national and universal basic values;
The need to introduce democratic procedures for resolving conflicts between organizations state mechanism [9, c.115]. division priorities of civil society В¬ tion and the state government intended to be solved at the level of constitu В¬ tutsionalizmu, constitutional and legal regulation. Thus, Con В¬ stitution Ukraine establishes principles of state responsibility to the people for their activities, limiting the activities of state and government law, guarantees of local self-government, its В¬ dom of political activity not prohibited by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine and us В¬ etc. [1, c.3-6]. Therefore, you can add more such areas of development and improvement, which are characteristic for the mechanism of a modern democratic state:
. The presence of well-functioning of private industrial and non-industrial sectors;
. Improving the structure and efficiency of the s...