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Реферат The concept of wide comprehension

rend come fro m the fact that the concept of law includes not only the norm, but other legal phenomena, justice, legal, subjective rights, acts of law and others. This understanding of rights inevitably leads to the dissolution of his other legal phenomena. We can not agree with Russian scientist Vladimir Kudryavtsev, who wrote: "... professional lawyers should be characterized by a clear and defined position: no desire, belief or opinion can not be regarded as a legal norm, when they are not expressed in a legal act adopted properly ". Unfortunately, proponents of broad comprehension do not account for the fact that modern legal understanding of the law differs from traditional narrow "normatyvizmu." br/>

2.2 Value of wide comprehension of other legal phenomena

study of the phenomena of law and legal understanding actualized social development, as each stage is characterized by its corresponding tasks that require the mobilization of all the resources and tools that has society. role and importance of law, its value is in adequate, timely response to the current challenges. current stage of development of a society is the slogan of globalization. This phenomenon is characterized not only by the scale that covers almost all aspects of life, but depth processes and changing the world. The question is, first, how right under these conditions can remain the most effective tool to regulate the relationship (which is instrumental value rights), and secondly: how is possible to preserve the identity of law as an important measure of justice and freedom in society (which is its own value of law). Also updated the question of how law can detect and display the will and the needs not only of society, but also each of its sections, the class that shape its social structure and, finally, each individual (reflecting the social value of law). such circumstances, it is reasonable study law. As the genesis of social development, despite the fact that the laws of the law in different societies in different nations often do not match, but the functionality of the law in these societies is similar. It provides civilized coexistence of individuals, groups and classes of the population living within individual societies, although the social factors that determine the formation and functioning of the rule of law, different [15, c.287]. is one aspect of the manifestation of justice. Extracts household, mass and doctrinal justice. As understanding of law and legal understanding, an understanding of that right can be massive, domestic and comprehension - doctrinal. When it comes to understanding the law by a majority of members of society, it is - the dominant understanding of the law. His understanding of the law is the ruling elite (political, economic, ideological, etc.). Called the dominant understanding of the law. It is clear that a minority of the population owns its specific understanding...

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