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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

Реферат Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

g to capture state power or change the constitutional order by force and Ukraine provides the concerned authorities, military commanders and local authorities under this Act the powers necessary to prevent danger, security and public health, normal functioning of the national economy, state and local governments, to protect the constitutional order and allow temporary and threat-induced restriction of the exercise of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and the rights and legitimate interests of legal persons of the period of validity of these restrictions.state of emergency in Ukraine, terms and conditions are governed by its introduction of Ukraine "On the legal state of emergency" and the International Covenant "On Civil and Political Rights "on 16 December 1966.public-legal regime is an extreme measure and is used when normalize the situation through other measures impossible.of state of emergency in connection with emergency man-made or natural origin

) temporary or irreversible evacuation of people from places that are dangerous to stay, providing them with mandatory fixed or temporary premises;

) the establishment of legal entities ought to rent temporary accommodation or temporarily evacuated resettlers population, rescue units and military units involved in emergency situations;

) a temporary ban on new construction, expansion of existing enterprises and other objects whose activity is not related to the emergency or livelihood and rescue units;

) establishment of quarantine and other required sanitary and preventive measures;

) introduction of a special order distribution of food and essentials;

) the mobilization and utilization of resources of enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership, to prevent hazards and emergency response to mandatory compensation of the losses;

) change the mode of enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, the reorientation of the production needed in emergency situations products, other changes in production activities necessary to carry out rescue and recovery work;

) removal from work for a period of emergency, in case of improper performance of their duties, directors of state enterprises, institutions and organizations from the activity of which depends on the normalization of the situation in the area of emergency and imposing temporary duties of these managers to others.

. Law of Ukraine "On the legal state of emergency" - VVR (BD), 2000, N 23, st.176. p>. International Covenant "On Civil and Political Rights" on 16 December 1966. p>. Law of Ukraine "On Defence of Ukraine" Kyiv, December 6, 1991. p>. Law of Ukraine "On the legal regime of martial law." - VVR (BD), 2000, N 28, art. 224. p>. Gladun ZS, MG Fedchy...

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