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Реферат Ensuring personal safety of law enforcement officers

and injury of personnel, and in some areas this activity generally found to be unsatisfactory.this regard, there is a problem particularly significant improve employee training strategies, tactics and techniques to ensure personal safety. In the literature to describe this trend increasingly used the term "security management" by analogy with international experience, where the concept has wide appeal, including in the area of ​​police training. Importantly, the training of law enforcement actions should be safe within their general training, but at the same time as a separate, independent direction. in the walls of schools and continue in business units and law enforcement agencies, on individual programs purely practical orientation. The basic principles of this work, in my opinion, should be the consistency, specificity, flexibility, mobility and practical orientation. Useful in this case could be the experience of foreign countries, where "safety management" has become a mandatory part of police training. [4] developing and implementing programs to protect the personal safety of law enforcement officers in carrying out special operations much attention is paid to the formation of separate police and skills of survival. One of these skills is the ability to communicate. In terms of US experts, the ability to communicate, conduct surveys, manage communication in certain circumstances - a skill required of law enforcement agencies, the quality of which depends on the formation of their personal safety. Therefore, these issues must include in training programs aimed at ensuring the safety of law enforcement officers in different situations [4]., To ensure the safety of employees in the exercise special operations should consider all the above mentioned, factors. Since, in practice there are accidents with law enforcement officials in their official tasks and observance of the rules will minimize the hazards.system security measures during an attack on employee special place is given special equipment, which will be discussed in detail in the next section .

3. devices security special forces personnel

Interior Ministry special attention to improving the security personnel of special forces. State Institute of Internal Affairs of Ukraine at the time was asked to develop a short-service weapons for use during special operations. The result of this work was the TV Supervisory-sighting system "Almond", using a significantly reduced risk of casualties.device is installed on melee weapons (such as a gun "Fort-14" domestic production) and then from it you cannot just aiming to keep the fire from cover (corner house, car body, etc), but monitor the operational situation at the site of the raid. The main feature of this device is that its application in the sight of the potential enemy is only hand weapons. So police officer may examine the operational situation and the necessit...

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