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# footer-cleaner {: both ;: 25px;
. copyright {: left ;: red;
. site-developer {: right ;: red;
файл jqueryslidemenu.js
//Specify full URL to down and right arrow images (23 is padding-right to add to top level LIs with drop downs): arrowimages={down: [ downarrowclass raquo ;, menu/down.gifraquo ;, 23], right: [ rightarrowclass raquo ;, menu/right.gif ]} jqueryslidemenu={: {over: 200, out: 100},//duration of slide in/out animation , in milliseconds: function (menuid, arrowsvar){(document).ready(function($){$mainmenu=$(laquo;#raquo;+menuid+laquo;gt;ulraquo;)$headers=$mainmenu.find(laquo;ulraquo;).parent()
$headers.each(function(i){$curobj=$(this)$subul=$(this).find(laquo;ul:eq(0)raquo;)._dimensions={w:this.offsetWidth, h: this.offsetHeight, subulw: $ subul.outerWidth (), subulh: $ subul.outerHeight ()}. istopheader=$ curobj.parents ( ul ). length == 1? true: false
$ subul.css ({top: this.istopheader? this._dimensions.h + px : 0})
$ curobjildren ( a: eq (0) ). css (this.istopheader? {paddingRight: arrowsvar.down [2]}: {}). append (
lt; img src=" + (this.istopheader? arrowsvar.down [1]: arrowsvar.right [1])
+ '" gt;
+ style= border: 0;"/ gt;
$curobj.hover((e){$targetul=$(this)ildren(laquo;ul:eq(0)raquo;)._offsets={left:$(this).offset().left, top: $ (this) .offset (). top} menuleft=this.istopheader? 0: this._dimensions.w=(this._offsets.left + menuleft + this._dimensions.subulw gt; $ (window) .width ())? (this.istopheader? -this._dimensions.subulw + this._dimensions.w: -this._dimensions.w): menuleft ($ targetul.queue (). length lt;=1)//if 1 or less queued animations
$ targetul.css ({left: menuleft + px raquo ;, width: this._dimensions.subulw + px }). slideDown (jqueryslidemenu.animateduration.over)
}, (e) {$ targetul=$ (this) ildren ( ul: eq (0) )
$ targetul.slideUp (jqueryslidemenu.animateduration.out)
)//end hover
})//end $ headers.each ()
$ mainmenu.find ( ul ). css ({display: none raquo ;, visibility: visible })
})//end document.ready
//build menu with ID= myslidemenu on page: .buildmenu ( myslidemenu raquo ;, arrowimages)