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Реферат Organizational Function of Intonation in English and Ukrainian Languages

Organizational Function of Intonation in English and Ukrainian Languages ​​


is a very important phenomenon in language and I think this theme is very popular nowadays as everyone should know main rules of intonation and use them in one or another language to make speech more professional and phonetically correct. There is no doubt that the intonation plays a leading role in the communication process. The tone is played not only communicative function. Intonation sets the connections and relationships between the parts of speech and draws contrasts the mire of statements, reports emotionally-modal values.is used to carry a variety of different kinds of information. It signals grammatical structure, though not in a one-to-one way, whilst the end of a complete intonation pattern will normally coincide with the end of a grammatical structure such as a sentence or clause, even quite major grammatical boundaries may lack international marking , particularly if the speech is fast. Intonation can reflect the information structure of an utterance, highlighting constituents of importance. Intonation can indicate discourse function. Intonation can be used by a speaker to convey an attitude such as friendliness, enthusiasm, or hostility. And listeners can use intonation-related phenomena in the voice to make inferences about a speaker s state, including excitement, depression, and tiredness.

1. Components of intonation

proceeding to the presentation of the most important functions of intonation, it seems appropriate to list the major components of intonation. However, it should be noted great diversity of opinion among the well-known domestic and foreign phoneticists in question on allocation of the main components of intonation. It is expressed in the allocation of the number of components of different intonation (it varies from one to two to nine) and the most diverse set of components.the allocation of the components of intonation we find the following principles:

The functional principle (linguistic significance of the phonetic phenomenon);

The structural principle (the presence of a primary acoustic correlation);

The principle of unity segment assets., to separate the components of intonation we refer: melody, tempo, pause, volume, rhythm.about sentence stress in English we can say that it is the main mean of providing rhythm in speech. Rhythm is the key to fluent English speech. Imagine a metronome beating the rhythm. The stressed syllables are like the beats of the metronome: regular, loud, and clear. The unstressed syllables between the beats are shortened, obscured, and joined together .. g Kevin sent...

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