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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The Russian transition to a market system

Реферат The Russian transition to a market system

mary measure of living standards, GDP per capita at purchasing power parity, will increase from 13,700 US dollars in 2006 (42% of the average OECD) to 30 thousand dollars in 2020 (70%) and about 50 thousand dollars 2030. Average life expectancy will increase to 75 years. p align="justify"> High quality and comfortable living conditions. Will ensure universal access to education and health services that meet the level of most developed countries, the average level of housing provision will be in 2020 30 - 35 sum. m. per person (or about 100 sq ft. for the average family)

Enabling human habitats. Percentage of population living in areas with adverse environmental conditions decreased from 43% in 2007 to 14% in 2020;

Changing social structure in favor of the middle class, reduce economic disparities populations and a sharp reduction in poverty.

Innovative leadership of Russia in the world based on advanced research and development, high technology and educational services. Russia should occupy a significant position in the markets of high-tech goods (not less than 10 per cent) and intellectual services of 4-6 and larger items. Will create the conditions for the mass emergence of new companies in all sectors of the economy, primarily in the sectors of the knowledge economy;

Leadership of Russia in energy supplies to world markets, including through geographic and product diversification of supply, Turning Russia into a logistics center of the global energy infrastructure and a key player making rules for the functioning of global energy markets.

Creation of an extensive transport network that provides high spatial mobility of population and the global competitiveness of Russia's transport markets.

Russia's leadership in the integration processes in Eurasia, turning into one of the global centers of world economic ties, including as a world financial center.

A new model of spatial development of Russia through the establishment of new regional growth centers and reduce regional disparities.

to guarantee the realization of the constitutional rights of citizens, including an advanced system of democratic institutions, the availability of effective enforcement mechanisms and systems to ensure national security.to achieve this goal is to move the Russian economy from export commodities to innovative community-oriented type of development. This will dramatically increase the competitive potential of the Russian economy by building on its comparative advantages in science, education and high technologies, and on this basis, tap new sources of economic growth and welfare. Formation of an innovative economy means transformation of intelligence, of human creativity in the leading factor in economic growth and national competitiveness, along with...

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