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Реферат Effects of deflation

fferent monetary policy strategy. Hence, expectations are even more unlikely to be influenced by other policies ostensibly meant to reverse the course of Japanese prices. The Federal Reserve, of course, does not have a formal inflation target but has repeatedly stated that its policies are meant to control inflation within a 0-3% band. Whether formal versus informal inflation targets represent substantially different monetary policy strategies continues to be debated, though the growing popularity of this type of monetary policy strategy suggests that it greatly assists in anchoring expectations of inflation.

7. References

1. Borio, Claudio, and Andrew Filardo. "Back to the Future? Assessing the Deflation Record. "Bank for International Settlements, March 2004. p> 2. Burdekin, Richard C.K., and Pierre L. Siklos. "Fears of Deflation and Policy Responses Then and Now." In Deflation: Current and Historical Perspectives, edited by Richard CK Burdekin and Pierre L. Siklos. New York: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p> 3. Brezina Corona. How Deflation Works? Rosen Young Adult, 2007.225p. p> 4. Capie, Forrest, and Geoffrey Wood. "Price Change, Financial Stability, and the British Economy, 1870-1939. "In Deflation: Current and Historical Perspectives, edited by Richard CK Burdekin and Pierre L. Siklos. New York: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p> 5. Charles Stanton Devas. Political Economy. LLC, 2009.310p. p> 6. "Deflation", # "#"> # "#"> # "#"> # "#"> # "#">

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