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Реферат Security law enforcement and personal security staff in the development of independent Ukraine

s 'main focus is on the formation of police knowledge and skills of individual professional conduct aimed at ensuring personal safety in combination with the ability to" team player "(ie, to ensure the safety of colleagues) and the skills to manage, providing maximum security subordinates. The main objectives of these programs in their most general form is the formation of the police professional psychological precepts to ensure personal safety and that of colleagues; mastery of relevant knowledge, practical training tactics and techniques of professional security training combination of tactics and techniques to ensure the security of the tactics and techniques of decision professional tasks and so on. Clearly, these tasks are specified in each vypadku.Napryklad, job training program "Survival in street confrontation" - to strengthen the security police and his self-confidence, while increasing the safety of others and of the detainee. The authors of the program, developing its content, proceeded from the fact that the risk of injury and liability is minimized if the offender is arrested and the incident is exhausted in a few minutes. During the assimilation program students learn to use the techniques of psychological and physical controls, which do not contradict the basic guidelines for the use of force, but at the same time allow a wider choice, do not require particularly. Curriculum and Recommendations "Survival police during a raid on drug seizures," aimed at the assimilation of police involved in the removal surgeries drug of measures to ensure personal safety. Program content is 6 sections: 1 - Planning raid 2 - selection and training equipment, 3 - and zhid approach to building, 4-interaction with colleagues, 5 - safety during the search, 6-security at detention. In summary form recommendations to ensure the personal safety of police officers during such raids are presented in the memo to police vyzhyvannyu.60 Assembled together, these recommendations have the effect formulas survival, resulting from the use of which is the health and lives of workers politsiyi . Prykladom program universal, is calculated for different categories of officers, may be the program "Path to Survival". This program is designed for 40 hours of study and includes consideration of the following issues: analysis of causes of death or injury to employees; generalized socio-demographic and psychological "portrait" employee - the victim, the conditions and factors that contribute to personal safety; psychological "portrait" of an employee who able to provide the optimal level of security of personal actions and tactics of "the team" to ensure security complex specific knowledge that characterize the human condition in situations of danger;-specific recommendations on how to act within the law to ensure personal safety and some others. Compulsory element of the program is the practical working out tactics and techniques of personal safety in solvi...

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