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Реферат Figurativeness of fairy tales of English and Kazakh language

rld together with its story-tellers, but undergoes various modifications, being as though arranged under mentality and a way of life of those people in which folklore it remains forever. Fairy tales there are no morals as the fairy tale is a fable, a baize, fiction. The Kazakh fairy tale at external similarity of a plot and heroes with an English fairy tale, more live, bright, figurative. In it there are more than epithets, sound imitations, songs. It is connected with ancient tradition of telling of a fairy tale under music and its staging. br/>


fairy tales, always we plunge in their fantastic, magic and simultaneously such live and real world. Each fantastic image revives in imagination more brightly, than cinema or television shots. After all the fairy tale - perfect product of national spirit, is perfected centuries or even in the millennia. Any internal movement of a fairy tale, its any hero, any word in the offer set of times were weighed and verified before to become such with what we them see now. In a fairy tale there is nothing superfluous. All on the necessary, precisely driven place. And consequently the fairy tale is eternal. A fairy tale understand resolutely all. It free passes all language borders, from one people to another, and remains in a live kind in the millennia.the studied material it is visible that the aims laid down for us and problems have been solved, on all questions interesting us we have received answers. In the work we have compared Kazakh and English national fairy tales on animals and have seen that in them it is a lot of general as nations of the world live on one planet, develop under the general laws of history. But fairy tales simultaneously show a national originality of folklore of each people. And animals - heroes of fairy tales - remind both the speech, and behavior of people of that country where there are these fairy tales. Otherwise also can't be, as the fairy tale always was reflection of national life.there is a mankind, it needs dream and consequently, it not to do without a fairy tale which inspires, gives hope, amuses and consoles.


1. Іноземна мова у вищій школі-2011, № 3, 47-54 с.

2. Іноземна мова в школах Казахстану-2004, № 4, 31-38 с.

. Большакова М.М. Ігрова поетика в літературних казках Міхаеля Енде. Смоленськ-2007. (Електронний ресурс): Режим доступу: # "justify">. Лазутін С.Г. Поетика російського фальклора (Текст)/Лазутін С.Г.: навч. посібник для філол. фак-ів ун-тов.-М.: Вища школа-1981, 221 с.

5. Пропп В.Я. Російська казка (Збори праць В.Я. Проппа). Науч. ред., коммент. Ю.С. Оповідань-М.: Лабі...

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