Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Гра &Балда& з підтримкою роботи по мережі

Реферат Гра &Балда& з підтримкою роботи по мережі

el=gameLogicControls.SelectedWordLabel; .Refresh ();=pb.CreateGraphics () ;. displaySettings=displaySettings;=new Pen (displaySettings.cellBorderColor, displaySettings.MatrixCellBorderWidth);=new SolidBrush (displaySettings.cellBackgroundColor);=new SolidBrush (displaySettings.selectedCellBackroundColor);=new SolidBrush (displaySettings.cellLetterColor);=new Font (FontFamily.GenericMonospace, (displaySettings.MatrixCellSize/2) , FontStyle.Bold);=displaySettings.MatrixCellBorderWidth/2;=displaySettings.MatrixCellSize - displaySettings.MatrixCellBorderWidth;=displaySettings.MatrixCellBorderWidth/2 + 6;=logiccells; ();


void CreateDisplayCells ()

{= new List lt; DisplayCell gt; ();=new Dictionary lt; LogicCell, DisplayCell gt; () ;. ForEach (lc= gt;

{dispayCell=new DisplayCell

{= lc,=(lc.X - 1) * displaySettings.MatrixCellSize + cellBackgroundOffset,=(lc.Y - 1) * displaySettings.MatrixCellSize + cellBackgroundOffset,

} ;. Add (dispayCell) ;. Add (lc, dispayCell);



void DrawCell (DisplayCell cell, Brush backGroundBrush)



{. DrawRectangle (pen, cell.offsetX, cell.offsetY, displaySettings.MatrixCellSize, displaySettings.MatrixCellSize) ;. FillRectangle (backGroundBrush, cell.offsetX + cellBackgroundOffset, cell.offsetY + cellBackgroundOffset ,, cellBackgroundSize ); (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (cell.LogicCell.Letter)). DrawString (cell.LogicCell.Letter, font, textBrush, cell.offsetX + cellTextOffset, .offsetY + cellTextOffset);


} (Exception ex)




void DrawLightCell (DisplayCell cell)



void DrawFullMatrix ()

{. ForEach (cell= gt; DrawCell (cell, primaryBrush));


void DisplayCells (List lt; LogicCell gt; logCells)

{. ForEach (lc= gt; DrawCell (cellDictionary [lc], primaryBrush));

} void DisplayCellsAsLight (List lt; LogicCell gt; logCells)

{. ForEach (lc= gt; DrawCell (cellDictionary [lc], lightBrush));


bool SelectCellForInsertingLetter (int xCor, int yCor)


{(previousSelectedCell, primaryBrush);

} (xCor, yCor); true;


void LightCellByCor (int xCor, int yCor)

{cell=GetDisplayCellByCor (xCor, yCor);=cell; (cell, lightBrush);


DisplayCell GetDisplayCellByCor (int xCor, int yCor)

{logicX=xCor/displaySettings.MatrixCellSize + 1; logicY=yCor/displaySettings.MatrixCellSize + 1; GetCellByLogicCor (logicX, logicY);

} DisplayCell GetCellByLogicCor (int x, int y)

{displayCells.FirstOrDefault (cell= gt; (cell.LogicCell.X == x) amp; amp; (cell.LogicCell.Y == y));


LogicCell GetLogicCellByCor (int x, int y)

{logicX=x/displaySettings.MatrixCellSize + 1; logicY=y/displaySettings.MatrixCellSize + 1; displayCell=GetCellByLogicCor (logicX, logicY); (displayCell!=null)? displayCell.LogicCell: null;


void DispalyCurrentWord (string message)

{. Text=message;


void DisplayCurrentPlayerName (string message)

{. CurrentPlayerLabel.Text=message;


void DisplayCurrentGuide (string message)

{. GuideLabel.Text=message;


void DisplayCurrentError (string message)

{. ErrorLabel.Text=message;




delegate void HandleMassageActivity (String message);


{class NetworkClient: IDisposable

{StreamWriter swSender; StreamReader srReceiver; TcpClient tcpServer; delegate void Upd...

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