Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Методи та алгоритми прийняття рішення

Реферат Методи та алгоритми прийняття рішення



///Required designer variable.

/// :: ComponentModel :: Container ^ components;

# pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code


///Required method for Designer support - do not modify

///the contents of this method with the code editor.

/// InitializeComponent (void)

{> menuStrip1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: MenuStrip ());> основноеToolStripMenuItem = (gcnew = (Gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ToolStripMenuItem ());> ааToolStripMenuItem = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ToolStripMenuItem ());> виходToolStripMenuItem = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ToolStripMenuItem ());> оПрограммеToolStripMenuItem = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ToolStripMenuItem ());> теоріяЕлітToolStripMenuItem = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ToolStripMenuItem ());> обАвтореToolStripMenuItem = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ToolStripMenuItem ());> openFileDialog1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: OpenFileDialog ());> dol = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ComboBox ());> label1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: Label ());> label2 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: Label ());> label3 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: Label ());> Age = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ComboBox ());> Ed = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ComboBox ());> Sex = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ComboBox ());> Exp = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ComboBox ());> label4 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: Label ());> label5 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: Label ());> Rec = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: CheckBox ());> Sk = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: CheckBox ());> Rez = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: ListBox ());> label6 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: Label ());> label7 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: Label ());> button1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: Button ());> data1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: DataGridView ());> Name1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ());> Sex1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ());> Age1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ());> Exp1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ());> Ed1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ());> Sk1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ());> Rec1 = (gcnew System :: Windows :: Forms :: DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ());> menuStrip1-> SuspendLayout ();

(cli :: safe_cast (2) = System :: Drawing :: Point (0, 0);> menuStrip1-...

Назад | сторінка 13 з 20 | Наступна сторінка

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