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Реферат Basic directions of American institutionalism

f earlier neoclassical framework simply rejected, but now began to change them, which eventually led to the formation of the new trend - neo-institutionalism.institutionalism does not become the main course of economic thought. Still to this day he is demonstrating its viability. Graduate and postgraduate programs in which he studied in depth, there is, for example, at the University of Kansas City (Missouri, USA), the University of Denver (Colorado, USA), Hartfodshirskom (m, b.: Hertfordshire?) Universitete28 (UK). International organizations such as the Association of institutional thinking (Association for Institutional Thought), the Association of Evolutionary Economics (Association for Evolutionary Economics), the Society of socioeconomics (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics), regular conferences, gathering a large number of supporters of traditional institutionalism. Journal Journal of Economic Issues constantly publishes not only articles on the analysis of the classical heritage of traditional institutionalism, and original works by contemporary researchers who carried out as part of this trend. Among Russian economists also have scientists working in this direction (see, for example, an article by Nesterenko29 Maevskogo30 and B.). br/>

end of his essay, I want to note that economic theory institutionalism - a direction rather than a constructive and critical plan. Economic and historical significance of this teaching is truly great. E. Zhamso, for example, saw it in the fact that the representatives of this trend have described the new conditions of capitalist economic development associated with the transition to monopoly capitalism. "In the absence of permanent theoretical laws - he wrote, referring to the rejection of institutional Nationalists set pattern of economic processes - the contribution of institutionalism was in a very in-depth description of economic conditions and the conflicts of interest present. 'Main contribution to the theory of economic thought is that the representatives of institutionalism questioned the central tenets of classical economics: rationality of individual behavior, the automatic achievement of the optimal economic system, the identity of the private-sobstvennichekogo public good.showed how little our economy, without being absolutely monopolistic, corresponds to the classical picture of free competition "The emergence of institutionalism has caused a significant shift in the bourgeois political economy - from the description and apology mainly past history of capitalism (characteristic of the historical school) , and cut off from the real world of scholastic abstractions marginalism to the description and classification of actually existing capitalism of economic phenomena.also insisted that the object of study in economics was not rational, but a real person, often acting under the influence of irrational fear, bad conscious aspirations and pressure ...

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