actions should be divided into special funds and special administrative remedies criminal suspension, which will develop procedural rules on the application of physical restraint, special vehicles, firearms as applicable legal rules have mainly material nature and reflect features of a species of special funds, said the law should have not dispositive, but imperative, that you need a clear procedure for the use of force, the lack of which today leads to a violation of police legitimacy . , To improve the practice of special funds in the administrative termination of police can hold a number of the following measures:
Develop application instructions separately each special tools;
Ban during public order use dogs as their aggression is not always justified;
Develop common plans, schemes for use of special funds for special police operations to seize criminals, release hostages, stopping group of disruption, riots;
Equip police personnel performing duties for the protection of public order, the guns, the structure of which involves firing rubber bullets;
Introduce a three level control over the actions of personnel during the above special operations. p> Literature
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