ive without the conscious efforts of the staff to ensure personal safety. Indeed, the situation in which the employee was may occur suddenly, so the decision because he needs to make a decision immediately and independently. And this must be hard to prepare for, namely to improve their skills; analyze professional experience of their colleagues, to improve the practice of others.must not only acquire data knowledge and skills regarding security measures, but also to form a psychological commitment to their implementation possible in extreme situations, to help preserve the most important - health and life [1]. combat effectiveness of personnel during operations in different conditions - is a determining factor in the performance of official tasks. In situations of real danger, which causes psychological and physical stress, results of operations, actions to apprehend criminals, especially armed, fully depends on the skillful and resolute actions of employees.results in minimization of risk promotes skillful possession of personal service weapon, steady application of various techniques of unarmed combat in the circumstances, the rapidly changing knowledge of the psychology of the offender, the ability to predict its possible actions and fastest to use adequate means for its neutralization, detention or disposal.
1. Saturday, AI, Zharov, AI, Krynyeyev Y. security professional tax militiamen. Textbook. - Irpin: National University of STS of Ukraine, 2006, 350p. p align="justify">. Ensuring personal safety of law enforcement officers. Ed. Kondratieff Ya.Yu. - K. atall, 1998.
. Miller P., L. Tereschenko Conceptual prerequisites for the formation of police professionalism. - Irpen: UFEI, 1998. - 143 p. p align="justify">. Extract from the Law of Ukraine "On the State Tax Service of Ukraine" as amended by the Act of December 24, 1993 № 3813-XII as amended in accordance with the laws of 14 December 1994. № 287/94 BP from July 11, 1995 № 297/95-BP on May 16, 1996 № 203/96 BP, on February 5 and 98, the number 83/98 BP. Chapter V Tax Police. Articles 19-27. p align="justify">. Law of Ukraine "On Health Care," from November 19, 1992. // BD. - 1993. - № 4