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Реферат American Holidays and Celebrations

ruary commemorates the birthdays of both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (who was born in April). Arkansas the third Monday in February is "George Washington's Birthday and Daisy Gatson Bates Day," an official state holiday.New Mexico Presidents Day, at least as a state government paid holiday, is observed on the Friday following Thanksgiving.2007 the country celebrated both Washington's 275th birthday and the 75th anniversary of the rebirth of the Purple Heart medal.1862 there has been a tradition in the United States Senate that George Washington's Farewell Address be read on his birthday. Citizens had asked that this be done in light of the approaching Civil War. The annual tradition continues with the reading of the address on or near Washington's Birthday.B. Anthony Day occasionally coincides with Presidents Day. [18]

.7 Arbor Day

Day is a state holiday in Nebraska on the last Friday of April.Arbor Day, people are encouraged to plant and care for trees. A wide range of events are organized to promote Arbor Day. These include: communal tree planting ceremonies; proclamations by city governments; exhibitions and educational activities on trees and their importance to local communities and the planet as a whole; and fairs, musical performances and open days in garden centers. Schools are encouraged to plan lessons around the theme of trees. Arbor Day awards are also presented to individuals and organizations across the United States and around the world. These are awarded for outstanding service to trees, forestry or related ecological themes.Day falls on the last Friday of April in Nebraska. It is a state holiday so schools and state offices, including many historic sites, are closed. Public transit systems offer a reduced service or may shut down completely. Other businesses and stores may be open or closed according to local custom. [1, p. 18] 1854 J Sterling Morton moved from Detroit to the area that is now the state of Nebraska. At that time there were virtually no trees in the area and he and the other pioneers desired to have them in their surroundings. They also noticed that trees were needed to act as windbreaks to stabilize the soil and to provide shade from the sun, fuel and building materials. Morton planted many trees around his own home but wanted to encourage and enable others to do the same.a Nebraska State Board of Agriculture meeting on January 4, 1872, he proposed a holiday to plant trees on April 10, 1872. This was known as "Arbor Day" and prizes were awarded to the counties and individuals who planted the most trees on the day. A total of about one million trees were planted in Nebraska on the first Arbor Day. In 1874, Governor Robert W Furnas officially proclaimed that Arbor Day would be observed on April 10, 1884. In 1885, it became a legal holiday and was moved to April 22, which was Morton's birthday. In 1989 the ...

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