e Frontier Family: Dislocation and the American Experience. In Making America. The Society and Culture of the UNITED STATES. Washington, D. C. United States Information Agency, 1988, pp 81 - 90
14. Workman, G. Phrasal verbs and idioms, 1996
. Hutchinson, T. Hotline, Oxford University Press, 1995
16. <# "center"> Appendix 1
Exercises and Quizzes
Appendix 2
1. A big hand:) friendly slap on the back) enthusiastic round of applause
. A big mouth:) over talkative person) a liar
. A big noise:) powerful and influential person) insignificant and ineffectual
. A big head:) knowledgeable person) over-confident and conceited person
. A bitter pil:) upsetting fact difficult to accept) harmful fact difficult to accept
. A blessing in) something advantageous initially but: later unpleasantunpleasant initially but later) something unpleasant initially but later
. A bright spark: a) clever and lively person) devious and unfriendly person
. A close shave: a) unforeseen disaster) narrow escape: 1-b; 2-a; 3-a; 4-b; 5-a; 6-b; 7-a; 8-b;
Idiom Quizzes - Clothes
1. The boy always comes to help his friends (very promptly) which is why everybody likes him. p align="justify"> (a) dressed to kill (b) below the belt (c) at the drop of a hat
. Our boss always (shows his feelings openly) and everyone knows his problems. p align="justify"> (a) wears his heart on his sleeve (b) wears the pants in his family (c) pulls up his socks
. He is a (very formal person) and nobody likes to invite him to a party. p align="justify"> (a) wolf in sheep `s clothing (b) fine-tooth comb (c) stuffed shirt
. It will be very difficult to (take his place) as he is one of the best workers in our company. p align="justify"> (a) die with his boots on (b) fill his shoes (c) pull up his socks
1. - C;
. - A;
. - C;
. - B;
Complete this idioms
) have a sweet ... = to have a desire to eat sweet foods have a sweet ... and I love chocolate bars.
2) hot ... = a question or argument that is controversial and difficult to settleissue of building the nuclear power plant is a hot ... for the local town council.
3) out to ... =...