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Реферат "Great expectation" by Charles Dickens

align="justify"> Overall, it is clear that I would like to say the following thing about Charles Dickens and his story Great Expectation . He was simple man; he loved ordinary people from lower classes. He did not evaluate them by their education, job or economic situation. That is why many of his heroes of his novels and especially of Great expectoration were poor, pity men who earned for living hardly but honestly. He believed in better future. This optimism is mentionable in most of his creative works. Capitalist society did not appeal him because he wanted people from lower classes to live less unhappy, less hungry, less insulted. Reading Great expectation of Charles Dickens we meet such problems, social class. Many characters were treated differently because of their social class in Great Expectations. Seeing the contrast between how the poor and the rich were treated will give a clearer understanding of how much social class mattered. He was realistic writer and showed real picture of life with all of its good and bad sides, however, humor, high mood of these stories make us to believe in happy, joyful future. The vitality of Dickens works is singularly great. They are written with hot human blood. They are popular in the highest sense because their appeal is universal, to the as well as the educated. The humor is superb, and most of it, so far as one can judge, of no ephemeral kind. The pathos is more questionable, but that too, at its simplest and best; and especially when the humor is shot with it - is worthy of a better epithet than excellent. It is supremely touching. Imagination, fancy, wit, eloquence, the keenest observation, the most strenuous endeavor to reach the highest artistic excellence, the largest kindliness, - all these he brought to his life-work. And that work, as I think, will live, it can be prophecy for ever. I choused Great Expectation of Charles Dickens because of the reasons which I gave below.

My trust in people, who rule, is insignificant. My trust in people, who are being ruled, is boundless .


1. Ackroyd, Peter - Dickens. London, 1990.

2. Butt, John E. and Kathleen Tillotson - Dickens at Work. 1957, reprinted 1982.

. Chesterton GK - Charles Dickens. London, 1903, reprinted 1977.

. Kitton, Frederic G. - Charles Dickens: His Life, Writings and Personality. London, 1956.

. Wilson, Angus - The World of Charles Dickens. New York, 1970.

. Welsh, Charles - Character Portraits...

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