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Реферат The state apparatus of Ukraine

a) activity and other criteria by which they are divided into certain.study identified the main ways to improve the functioning of the state apparatus in Ukraine. Today our country is in full swing to build legal, democratic, socially-oriented state. For this purpose, constantly adopting new laws, issued decrees and regulations aimed at resolving the new economic, political and other relations, as well as strengthening and consolidation of statehood and sovereignty of Ukraine, and improve government.is a clear mechanism for the allocation of competences between the legislative and executive branches. But as we are now convinced embodiment of the principle of separation of powers connected with breakingtraditional stereotypes, creating fundamentally new tools, which we still do not exist. Ha obstacle standing objective and subjective factors, foremost of which is the burden of the recent colonial past, the lack of democratic traditions in the field of government, political, social, psychological stereotypes., In the power system most vulnerable and ineffective is the executive branch, the main purpose and primary function of which is to implement the decisions taken. Havit good perfect law worth nothing if it is not done or done to both. As we see the government of Ukraine to work productively to improve its operations and pay special attention to the implementation of its orders and decisions of the relevant authorities. br/>


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