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Реферат The state apparatus of Ukraine

tate apparatus;

. A high level of professional skills and professional training of civil servants;

. The existence of effective mechanisms of control over the activities of state organs, enterprises and institutions;

. A clear legal regulation of the competence of state bodies.Ukraine, as in other countries of post-socialist space, remain extremely sharp, unresolved problems of modern statehood and nation-building.of this is cumbersome, not effective state apparatus, and subjected infinitely frequent restructuring. And all this in the presence of waste, approved the concept of administrative reform, which started its history back to 1992.is why there was a need for a high quality update legislation reforming public administration to amend the system of government, transferring their activities to "new track" [14, c.103]. the foregoing should be noted that the state apparatus Ukraine needs considerable improvement in law and on a practical level. This is primarily due to the inability of officials of the state apparatus in a timely manner and in accordance with the law to respond to the needs and demands of society and every citizen in particular. These options are some of the improvements possible and require implementation. In this way the state apparatus Ukraine will start working at full strength. br/>


, the apparatus of the state takes center stage in the organization of the state mechanism as exercise state power and administration of state and society.concept of Ukraine's state apparatus is defined as - a system of government that carry out practical work with the management company, the tasks and functions of the state.improve the efficiency and quality of public administration requires that the basis of its organization and operation of a system of principles. The principles of organization and operation of the state apparatus - starting principles undeniable requirements to the formation and functioning of government. Compliance with these principles is the key to improving the state apparatus Ukraine.identified features of the mechanism of the state and its relationship with the staff of the state of Ukraine. The mechanism of the state - a system of government organizations that are created to organize and direct the implementation of the tasks and functions of the state. The concept of state mechanism broader concept of the state apparatus in composition and structure.basic structural element of the government machinery, apparatus initial state is the state agency. It is a separate employee or structurally organized directly by the state or nation team of civil servants has the authority, the appropriate logistical support, established legally for specific tasks and functions of the state.state agencies are part of the same state apparatus, they differ in place in the state apparatus, within the meaning of, method of creation, time of operation, composition, scale (are...

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