yName ('nazvanie'). AsVariant;;. Q7. first; i: = 1 to DataModule2. Q7. RecordCount do begin. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,1]. value: = i;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,2]. value: = DataModule2. Q7. FieldByName ('fio'). AsVariant;. Q7. next;;. Visible: = true;;;. Unit9;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,, Grids, DBGrids, comobj, StdCtrls; = class (TForm): TDBGrid;: TButton; Button1Click (Sender: TObject );
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations};: TForm9;: variant;, j: integer; Unit1, Unit2, Unit3, Unit4, Unit5, Unit6, Unit7, Unit8;
{$ R *. dfm} TForm9. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);: = CreateOleObject ('Excel. Application');. workbooks. add (ExtractFilePath (Application. ExeName) + 'chitateli_knig. xlsx');. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,2]. value: = 'Читач';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,3]. value: = 'Книга';. t_chit_knig. first; i: = 1 to DataModule2. t_chit_knig. RecordCount do begin. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,1]. value: = i;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,2]. value: = DataModule2. t_chit_knig. FieldByName ('chitat'). AsVariant;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,3]. value: = DataModule2. t_chit_knig. FieldByName ('kinga1'). AsVariant;. t_chit_knig. next;;. Visible: = true;,. Unit10;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,, StdCtrls; = class (TForm): TLabel; FormCreate (Sender: TObject),
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations};: TForm10;
{$ R *. dfm} TForm10. FormCreate (Sender: TObject);
begin. Caption: = 'Програму розробив студент Групи Ас-464/к. '+ # 13 +' Шкаліков Юрій. ';;. br/>