' + DataModule2. Q2. FieldByName ('spec'). AsVariant;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [5,1]. value: = '№';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [5,2]. value: = 'Прізвище';. Q2. first; i: = 1 to DataModule2. Q2. RecordCount do begin. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +5,1]. value: = i;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +5,2]. value: = DataModule2. Q2. FieldByName ('fio'). AsVariant;. Q2. next;;. Visible: = true;; label1. Caption = '2 'then begin: = CreateOleObject (' Excel. Application ');. workbooks. add (ExtractFilePath (Application. ExeName) + 'zapr. xlsx');. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [1,2]. value: = Form8. Caption;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,1]. value: = '№';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,2]. value: = 'Прізвище';. Q5. first; i: = 1 to DataModule2. Q5. RecordCount do begin. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,1]. value: = i,. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,2]. value: = DataModule2. Q5. FieldByName ('fio'). AsVariant;. Q5. next;;. Visible: = true;; label1. Caption = '3 'then begin: = CreateOleObject (' Excel. Application ');. workbooks. add (ExtractFilePath (Application. ExeName) + 'zapr. xlsx');. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [1,2]. value: = Form8. Caption;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,1]. value: = '№';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,2]. value: = 'Прізвище';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,3]. value: = 'Назва книги';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,4]. value: = 'Штраф';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,5]. value: = 'Оплачено? ';. Q5. first; i: = 1 to DataModule2. Q5. RecordCount do begin. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,1]. value: = i;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,2]. value: = DataModule2. Q5. FieldByName ('fio'). AsVariant;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,3]. value: = DataModule2. Q5. FieldByName ('nazvanie'). AsVariant,. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,4]. value: = DataModule2. Q5. FieldByName ('shtraf'). AsVariant,. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [i +2,5]. value: = DataModule2. Q5. FieldByName ('oplata_shtrafa'). AsVariant;. Q5. next;;. Visible: = true;; label1. Caption = '4 'then begin: = CreateOleObject (' Excel. Application ');. workbooks. add (ExtractFilePath (Application. ExeName) + 'zapr. xlsx');. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [1,2]. value: = Form8. Caption;. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,1]. value: = '№';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,2]. value: = 'Прізвище';. WorkBooks [1]. WorkSheets [1]. cells [2,3]. value: = 'Назва книги:' + DataModule2. Q7. FieldB...