Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Гра &Балда& з підтримкою роботи по мережі

Реферат Гра &Балда& з підтримкою роботи по мережі

fy"> void CreateLogicCells ()

{= new List lt; LogicCell gt; (); (int i=1; i lt;=Settings.MatrixSize; i ++)

{(int j=1; j lt;=Settings.MatrixSize; j ++)

{. Add (new LogicCell

{= i,=j,=String.Empty



} middleRowIndex=Settings.MatrixSize/2 + 1;=new List lt; LogicCell gt; () ;. Where (cell= gt; cell.Y == middleRowIndex)

. ToList ()

. ForEach (cell= gt; {MainWordLogicCells.Add (cell) ;. IsMainWorldCell=true;



void SetFirstWord (String mainWord)


{new Exception ( Start wold more then matrix size );

} mainWorldBuilder=new StringBuilder (mainWord); (int i=0; i lt; Settings.MatrixSize; i ++)

{[i] .Letter=mainWorldBuilder [i] .ToString (); (MainWordLogicCells);



void StartGame ()

{= Players.First (pl= gt; pl.Number == 1); ();


bool TrySelectCellForInsertingLetter (LogicCell logCell)

{(! String.IsNullOrEmpty (logCell.Letter))

{(GamePlayMessages.CellMustBeEmpty); false;

} (! IsOneOfNeigborsContainsLetter (logCell))

{(GamePlayMessages.NeighborMustContainLetter); false;


=logCell; (new List lt; LogicCell gt; {logCell}); (String.Empty); (GamePlayMessages.InsertLetter); true;


bool LetterIsValidForInserting (string letter)



public void SetLetterToCell (string letter)

{. Letter=letter;=false;=false; (new List lt; LogicCell gt; {selectedCell}); (letter); ();


bool IsLogicCellValidForWordSelection (LogicCell logCell)


{(String.IsNullOrEmpty (logCell.Letter))

{= true; false;

} (SelectedCellsForWord.Contains (logCell) amp; amp; (SelectedCellsForWord.Last ()!=logCell))


{(logCell);=false; (GetCurentSelectedWord ());

} false;

} (SelectedCellsForWord.Contains (logCell) amp; amp; (SelectedCellsForWord.Last () == logCell))


} (SelectedCellsForWord.Count!=0)

{(! IsLogicCellsNeighbors (logCell, SelectedCellsForWord.Last ()))




} true;


bool IsLogicCellsNeighbors (LogicCell firstCell, LogicCell secondCell)

{((firstCell == null) || (secondCell == null))


} neighbors=GetNeighborsForCell (firstCell); neighbors.Contains (secondCell);


private List lt; LogicCell gt; GetNeighborsForCell (LogicCell logicCell)

{high=GetCellByLogicCor (logicCell.X, logicCell.Y + 1); low=GetCellByLogicCor (logicCell.X, logicCell.Y - 1); left=GetCellByLogicCor (logicCell.X - 1, logicCell.Y); right=GetCellByLogicCor (logicCell.X + 1, logicCell.Y); list=new List lt; LogicCell gt; (); (high!=null) list.Add (high); (low!=null) list.Add (low); (left!=null) list.Add (left); (right!=null) list.Add (right ); list;


bool IsOneOfNeigborsContainsLetter (LogicCell logicCell)

{flag=false; (logicCell) .ForEach (lc= gt;


{(! String.IsNullOrEmpty (lc.Letter))

{= true;



}); flag;


private LogicCell GetCellByLogicCor (int x, int y)

{LogicCells.FirstOrDefault (lc= gt; (lc.X == x) amp; amp; (lc.Y == y));


void HandleDoubleCellInWordSelection (LogicCell cell)

{index=SelectedCellsForWord.IndexOf (cell); temp=SelectedCellsForWord.Take (index + 1) .ToList (); (int i=index + 1; i lt; SelectedCellsForWord.Count; i +...

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