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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Cultural resume Japan

Реферат Cultural resume Japan

rsity Rankings 2010». QS TopUniversities.

11. «OECD's PISA survey shows some countries making significant gains in learning outcomes» OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

. «Facts and Figures of Japan 2007 01: Land». Foreign Press Center Japan.

. Standard Country and Area Codes Classifications ». UN Statistics Division. 1 April 2010.

. McCargo, Duncan (2000). Contemporary Japan. Macmillan. pp. 8-11

. «Japan». US Department of State

. «World Population Prospects». UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Archived from the original on 21 March 2007.

. Barnes, Gina L. (2003). «Origins of the Japanese Islands». University of Durham.

. «Tectonics and Volcanoes of Japan». Oregon State University. Archived from the original on 4 February 2007.

. James, C.D. (2002). «The 1 923 Tokyo Earthquake and Fire». University of California Berkeley.

20. «USGS analysis as of 2011-03-12». Earthquake.usgs.gov. 23 June 2011

. Fackler, Martin; Drew, Kevin (11 March 2011). «Devastation as Tsunami Crashes Into Japan». The New York Times.

. Karan, Pradyumna Prasad; Gilbreath, Dick (2005). Japan in the 21st century. University Press of Kentucky. pp. 18-21, 41

. «Climate». JNTO (Japan National Tourism Organization)

24. «Essential Info: Climate». JNTO

25. Miyagawa, Shigeru. «The Japanese Language». Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

. Heinrich, Patrick (January 2004). «L anguage Planning and Language Ideology in the Ry? Ky? Islands ». Language Policy 3 (2): 153-179.

. «15 families keep ancient language alive in Japan». UN. Archived from the original on 6 January 2008.

. Ellington, Lucien (1 September 2005). «Japan Digest: Japanese Education». Indiana University. Archived from the original on 27 April 2006.

. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (15 September 2006). «International Religious Freedom Report 2006». US Department of State.

30. Kisala, Robert (2005). In Wargo, Robert. The Logic Of Nothingness: A Study of Nishida Kitar ?. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 3-4.

. The Japanese today: change and continuity (2nd ed.). Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 1988. p. 215.

. Totman, Conrad (2005). A History of Japan (2nd ed.). Blackwell. p. 72.

. Kato, Mariko (24 February 2009). «Christianity's long history in the margins». Japan Times

. Clarke, Peter, ed. (1993). The World s religions: understanding the living faiths. Reader s Digest. p. 208.

. Mary Jordan, «A First Lady s Secondary Role; Premier s Wife stands behind her man, typifying gender roles in modern Japan », The Washington Post, 15 April +1996, Online, Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, 11 Mar 2000.

. Suvendrini Kakuchi, «Japan: Steps in gender equality come too slowly for women», SUNS4930, available at url: # justify gt ;. Alice H. Cook and Hiroko Hayashi, Working women in Japan: discrimination, resistance, and reform. Ithaca: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1980, page 28.

. Traphagan, John W. (2003). Demographic Change and the Family in Japan's Aging Society. Suny Series in Japan in Transition, SUNY Series in Aging and Culture, Suny Series in Japan in Transition and Suny Series in Aging and Culture. SUNY Press. p. 16

. «Europe s Aging Population Faces Social Problems Similar to Japan s». Goldsea Asian American Daily

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