igner and technological organizations, plants, experience productive and other organizations.
. The productive (scientific and production) systems are research establishments, agricultural enterprises, associations, organizations, leaseholders, that carry out a production, processing, storage of certain types of products and other types of activity.systematic increase of integration processes becomes a key factor for avoidance of further slump of agricultural production. But it is possible to see in the conditions of economy, that those forms of menage, that was folded today in an agrarian sector, in majority it is conflicted with to maintenance of integration and co-operation. Other approach is thus needed at determination of directions of development of integration. The today's mechanism of functioning of agrarian sector causes the necessity of development of such integrated forming that will be able finally to attain not only getting up in the production of food, to provide equality of financial and material streams but also will work out social problems on a village.the origin of new various forms menages deepened contradiction between agricultural, reprocessors and attendant sphere, that, in turn, caused the row of difficulties into that ran during realization of the economic interests. As a result, complete disbalance in the system of conduct of agriculture.addition, it takes place so, that integration processes that today have quite another forms already obviously pass ahead forming of the system of adequate management in an agrarian sector and carry unexpected, instinctive character. But here exactly they are the process of adaptation of the agrarian forming to the market economy and most effective means for them to stabilize the position due to advantages, that arise up during integration not only in a production, processing and realization of products, but also in the field of financially economic.development of agroindustrial integration and it is possible to judge in relation to of integration connections, analysing the state of production of food stuffs. For 15 last the there is a slump in the production of most basic types of food stuffs both on Ukraine on the whole and in the Chernihiv area. An exception is folded oil is vegetable and fat cheeses. The production of oil increased in Ukraine more than in 4 times. It is known that the basic producers of oil are the large integrated companies. It is expedient to mark, that most advantages in this industry have the apeak integrated structures - holding, operating of the special legislative acts with the agricultural enterprises, elevators and trade houses. It be possible to say, that in this industry attained balanced of interests of agricultural producers, reprocessors, internal market and exporters, but it is not necessary to forget that the question is about a culture that on a draught 10 remains. Thus a production of goods volume grows not due to the increase of the productivity, but due to the permanent increase of areas of sowing, that characteristically for the companies of holding type.processes embrace the different forming on different levels. All they can be distributed on those that have a direct and indirect relation to integration. To those that have a direct relation, id est directly participate in integration processes, belong: economies of population; farms; enterprises of processing and food industry; to trading in an agricultural produce; agrochemical service; machine-technological stations. Here it follows to take and businessmen - individuals that take part in any technological process of production. Enterprises, that execute attendant functions and auxiliary, and also organs of management АPK, have an indirect relation - economic and state., As an inalienable constituent of integration processes in a present economy, is sufficiently simple, but by the unclaimed form of productive connections. Agricultural cooperative stores, unfortunately, as yet did not get the proper confession., Reasons for insufficient of agricultural co-operation quite a bit. But the most important, however - nevertheless, it is possible to count absence of clear state strategy of her development. Absence of the real sponsorship of the state in the conditions of imperfect legislation was done co-operation cleanly by the formal phenomenon.my opinion, it is now needed to pay attention to the most numerous categories of producers and exactly through between economic co-operation. The question is about farms and economies of population. Them effective development is in forming of cooperative stores from realization of products, on providing of cattle forage, productive to technical service.for steady development agrarian to the sector of area formations will become on co-operative principles from the production of seed of vegetables, , forage grain-crops; on growing of high-performance tribal sapling/...