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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The concept of wide comprehension

Реферат The concept of wide comprehension

should single out the following meanings:

As a possibility that a social entity;

How to set (system) of legal rules by which regulated social relations;

As a valuation indicator of truth, reality and authenticity of certain social phenomena [8, 203]. determine, among other things, as "awareness of legal reality through the prism of legal theories, doctrines, concepts" (Yu Shemshuchenko). One of these concepts - the "human rights", key provisions of which, according to one of understandings - the definition of certain basic rights as human capabilities which are required to meet the needs of its existence and development, natural (parastatal) and inalienable nature of these fundamental rights state's duty to ensure their effective implementation. Understanding human rights is also a result of a legal understanding. human rights, but to some of its features can be seen as somehow vnormovana her freedom, her specific needs (or interests) and its requirement to provide certain benefits, addressed to the public or the state, a certain type (mode display) morality [ 3, c .15-16]. Human Rights states not only and not so much the absence of evidence of certain violations of human rights as individual violations as eliminate difficult or impossible. Ensure that human rights means to create conditions under which human rights are respected and recognized - both government and party, and effectively implemented, if necessary, protected by law. This particularly involves the transformation of fundamental human rights in the legal rights and responsibilities of law, when certain opportunities that are defined as fundamental rights are guaranteed by the state through their designation as mandatory rules of behavior, and the state and other actors have a duty to follow them, guaranteed. In this case we are talking about the legal framework of human rights. is crucial to the understanding of the concept and human rights for several reasons. , A certain type of law is crucial to the understanding of a concept of human rights. Yes, lehizm (lehistske comprehension) believes that human rights are recognized and guaranteed by law established state. With this understanding of the idea of ​​human rights and its implementation of fundamental human rights and to support them end up depending on the will of the state and its laws (specifically, legislators). Yusnaturalizm (theory of natural law) defines human rights as something parastatal, which is designed to provide state. This leads to comprehension and understanding of the concept of "human rights" and, secondly, what is more important - their software. When first comprehension concepts of the state and law dominate the concept of human rights, and the second - on the contrary. demonstrate this position should quote from the report of the famous English legal theorist of modernity J. Raza "Individual rights in the g...

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