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Реферат Slang

nlutely sure I've used this word hundreds of times. hr size=1 align=center>В 

absoludacris: Something absolutely ludicrous - say, to Mr. T, for example.
Example: Drugs are * bad * Drugs are absoludacris. hr size=1 align=center>В 

absoludicrous: The peak of ridiculousness. Absolutely ludicrous.
Example: Look! That guy has blue hair. How absoludicrous. hr size=1 align=center>В 

absonotly: Used when the intent is to most definitely decline in no uncertain terms.
Example: I absonotly won't do that. hr size=1 align=center>В 

absopause: (n) When, for some odd reason, everyone shuts up and listens when you talk. Rare.
Example: During the absopause, everyone heard Rob's plan. hr size=1 align=center>В 

absopositively: (adj) Absolutely and positively combined.
Example I am absopositively sure that Milton likes you. hr size=1 align=center>В 

absosilence: (n) When everyone in a noisy room becomes silent at the same time with no apparent cause.
Example: Three-hundred people shut up at the same time. The absosilence was weird. hr size=1 align=center>В 

Absotively: Combination of absolutely and positively. Usually used an answer to a request.
Example: Q: Will you go to the store for me?
A: Absotively. hr size=1 align=center>В 

absotively-posilutely: Scrambled absolutely and positively.
Example: I am absotively-posilutely sure about that. hr size=1 align=center>В 

abstractional-dopmology: The study of brown dots in any carpet.
Example: I see you've been catching up on your abstractional-dopmology. hr size=1 align=center>В 

Absurdbaijan: (n) The realm or domain of absurd ideas.
Example: John must be from Absurdbaijan; he thinks aliens are spying on him with mashed potatoes. hr size=1 align=center>В 

abuba: Huh?
Example: My math teacher asked me, Can you prove that there are infinitely many real numbers? I replied, Abuba? hr size=1 align=center>В 

abyssagation: A void before a great discovery, as well as a person who has writers 'block and then writes better than he's ever written.
Example: Any inventor has experienced abyssagation in his life at least once. hr size=1 align=center>В 

Abyssicaletphedence: An endless nothingness of boredom.
Example: James sat in abyssicaletphedence druing class. hr size=1 align=center>В 

abyssinia: I'll be seeing you.
Example: Abyssinia! hr size=1 align=center>В 

AC: Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Example: AC is a pretty ghetto town. hr size=1 align=center>В 

Accckkkk: Exclamation.
Example: Accckkkk! The monkey sold the liver I was planning on using for the transplant. hr size=1 align=center>В 

accellurate: To add (a lot, and fast) extra minutes to your cellular plan.
Example: I've been accellurated to 3000 minutes on nights and weekends. hr size=1 align=center>В 

accipurp: A deliberate act intended to appear accidental
Example: I hit him by accipurp. hr size=1 align=center>В 

accipurpodentally: Accidentally on purpose, when you meant to do something but pretend you really didn't.
Example: I accipurpodentally hit on my sister's guy friend. hr si...

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