ToolStripMenuItem closeToolStripMenuItem; System. Windows. Forms. SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog; System. Windows. Forms. ToolStripMenuItem справкаToolStripMenuItem; System. Windows. Forms. DataGridViewTextBoxColumn userType; System. Windows. Forms. DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ColumnName; System. Windows. Forms. DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ColumnPassword; System. Windows. Forms. DataGridViewTextBoxColumn ColumnRights;
userForm. Designer. cs
namespace курсовая_2курс
{class userForm
/// lt; summary gt;
///Required designer variable.
/// lt;/summary gt; SystemponentModel. IContainer components=null;
/// lt; summary gt;
///Clean up any resources being used.
/// lt;/summary gt;
/// lt; param name= disposing gt; true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. lt;/param gt; override void Dispose (bool disposing)
{(disposing amp; amp; (components!=null))
{. Dispose ();
}. Dispose (disposing);
# region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// lt; summary gt;
///Required method for Designer support - do not modify
///the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// lt;/summary gt; void InitializeComponent ()
{. userLabel=new System. Windows. Forms. Label () ;. userTypeLabel=new System. Windows. Forms. Label () ;. userTypeComboBox=new System. Windows. FormsboBox () ;. userRightsLabel=new System. Windows. Forms. Label () ;. userRightsComboBox=new System. Windows. FormsboBox () ;. userPasswordLabel=new System. Windows. Forms. Label () ;. userPasswordTextBox=new System. Windows. Forms. TextBox () ;. userButton=new System. Windows. Forms. Button () ;. userNameLabel=new System. Windows. Forms. Label () ;. userNameTextBox=new System. Windows. Forms. TextBox () ;. SuspendLayout ();
//. userLabel. Font=new System. Drawing. Font ( Microsoft Sans Serif raquo ;, 14F, System. Drawing. FontStyle. Underline, System. Drawing. GraphicsUnit. Point, ((byte) (204))) ;. userLabel. Location=new System. Drawing. Point (60,9) ;. userLabel. Name= userLabel raquo ;;. userLabel. Size=new System. Drawing. Size (154, 24) ;. userLabel. TabIndex=0 ;. userLabel. Text= Користувач raquo ;;
//. userTypeLabel. Font=new System. Drawing. Font ( Microsoft Sans Serif raquo ;, 10F, System. Drawing. FontStyle. Regular, System. Drawing. GraphicsUnit. Point, ((byte) (204))) ;. userTypeLabel. Location=new System. Drawing. Point (12, 69) ;. userTypeLabel. Name= userTypeLabel raquo ;;. userTypeLabel. Size=new System. Drawing. Size (137, 23) ;. userTypeLabel. TabIndex=3 ;. userTypeLabel. Text= Тип користувача: raquo ;;. userTypeLabel. TextAlign=System. Drawing. ContentAlignment. MiddleLeft;
//. userTypeComboBox. FormattingEnabled=true ;. userTypeComboBox. Items. AddRange (new object [] {
Гість ,
Користувач ,
Адміністратор }) ;. userTypeComboBox. Location=new System. Drawing. Point (155, 71) ;. userTypeComboBox. Name= userTypeComboBox raquo ;;. userTypeComboBox. Size=new System. Drawing. Size (121, 21) ;. userTypeComboBox. TabIndex=2 ;. userTypeComboBox. SelectedIndexChanged +=new System. EventHandler (this. UserType_SelectedIndexChanged) ;. userTypeComboBox. TextUpdate +=new System. EventHandler (this. UserType_TextUpdate) ;. userTypeComboBox. KeyPress +=new System. Windows. Forms. KeyPressEventHandler (this. OnKeyPress_ComboBox);
//. userRightsLabel. Font=new System. Drawing. Font ( Microsoft Sans Serif raquo ;, 10F, System. Drawing. FontStyle. Regular, System. Drawing. GraphicsUnit. Point, ((byte) (204))) ;. userRightsLabel. Location=new System. Drawing. Point (12, 95) ;. userRightsLabel. Name= userRightsLabel raquo ;;. userRightsLabel. Size=new System. Drawing. Size (137, 23) ;. userRightsLabel. TabIndex=5 ;. userRightsLabel. Text= Права доступу: raquo ;;. userRightsLabel. TextAlign=System. Drawing. ContentAlignment. Middl...