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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » The system of accommodation in Perm

Реферат The system of accommodation in Perm



1. Overview the system of accommodation

1.1 Defining a hotel

.2 Historical reference

.3 Hotel chains

2. Various classifications of hotels

. The system accommodation in Russia

. Accommodations in Perm

4.1 Perm as tourist center

.2 Kind of accommodation in Perm




Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. Also tourism may be definite as the science, art and business of attracting and transporting people, accommodating them, and catering to their needs and wants.system accommodation or lodging sector tourists is one of first in tourism. - Places at which travelers can obtain a bed (and usually food) while on a trip; in other words, hotels, motels, inns, camping grounds, hostels, and so forth.report considers the theme of: system of accommodation tourists in Perm. Perm - is a regional city of Russia. The enterprises of accommodation of Perm hospitality welcome the visitors. Undoubtedly, who find for itself convenient comfortable rooms in suitable hotel. In city is about 50 hotels. The hotel market of Perm is promptly sated. If in capitals of Russia construct business and tourists hotels in regions construct small hotels. The majority hotels of Perm name itself as business-hotels. br/>


The accommodations or lodging sector is a dominant industry within the travel industry. There is no other sector of the travel industry more international in nature than the lodging industry. The lodging industry is the most important element of the social sphere. It plays the leading part in the increase of the public production and accordingly in the uplifting of living standards. br/>

1.1 Defining a hotel

The hotels are the basic element of the system of accommodation. Many terns are used to describe lodging facilities in different countries, but the distinction between them has become blurred.can designate the hotel as an enterprise rendering service to the people, which are out of doors.a hotel is a temporary home for people who are travelling. In a hotel the tarveller can rest and has access to food and drink. Essence of services in the hotel business: to provide hotel rooms visitors; to provide a service (check in/check out of guests, cleaning up of apartments, services of porter etc). All of these services are designed to accommodate the traveller, so the hotel business is often referred to as the accommodation industry.are intended for the rest, sleeping and work of the guests. In additional the system of accommodation includes the service, which is done by the personal of the hotel. These are reception and official registration of the guests, cleaning the rooms and others.additional service includes swimming-pools, conference halls, hair-dresser s, massage-room and many other things. Therefore this service is very important by the forming of the attractiveness of the hotel.

1.2 Historical reference

The hotel industry is perhaps, one of the oldest commercial endeavors in the world. The first hotels go back to the sixth century BC and were the products of the urge to travel. The earliest hotels were business by husband and wife teams who provided large halls for travelers to make their quenchers like wine, port, ale etc ... Entertainment and recreation were provided to attract customers to there hotels. The entire cooking service and recreation was provided by husband and his family.conditions were for several hundred years. The advent of the industrial revolution in England brought up new ideas and progress in this business of Inn keeping. In early England, public houses were normally called "Inns" or "Taverns". Normally, the name Inn was reserved for the finer establishments catering to the nobility and clergy. The houses often by the common man were known as "taverns". The word "hotel" was used in England in about 1760 after a passage of over 80 years. In America lodging houses were called "Inn" or "Coffee House". Real growth of the modern hotel industry took place in the USA beginning with the opening of the City Hotel in New York in the year 1794. The hotel business began to develop in 1829. In USA/Boston opened the first hotel of first class - it was a start hotel industry in this country and in the world. In XIX - XX began to develop luxury hotel in Europe and USA. After Second World War, began to develop international hotel chains such us: Holiday Inn, Choice, Best Western, Hilton, etc. br/>

1.3 Hotel...

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