Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » The modern state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in terms of its specialization in the example of corn production

Реферат The modern state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in terms of its specialization in the example of corn production

de implementation of technological operations in accordance with agro technical requirements.


1. On Property Law of Ukraine//Ukraine new legislation. Issue 2 - K., 1992

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. Ambrosov VY market seed crops, though. Economy AIC, +2013 №10

. Andreychuk VG economy of agricultural enterprises: Textbook.- 2nd ed., Ext. and pererobl.- K .: KNEU, 2004. - 624 p.

. Bardadim MV Prospects for the grain industry in Ukraine, though. Economy AIC, +2013 №4

. Knut A. Planning and organization of agricultural enterprises: Pidruchnyk.- K .: Agricultural Education, 2003. 350 pp.

. Boiko V. The problem of determining the mechanism of state support to producers of agricultural products, though. Economy AIC, +2013 №7

. V. Boyko Grain farming: challenges and directions of development.- K .: IAE, 1998. - 210 p.

. Voloshchuk K.B. Investment priorities of modern agricultural enterprises, though. Economy AIC, +2013 №8

. Hrycyuk M. Spatio-temporal dependence of profitability of grain production grain yield, same. Economy AIC, +2013 №10

. Zribnyak L.Y. organization and planning of production on farms: Textbook.- K .: Vintage, 1999. - 352 p.

. G. Kaletnik State financial support to agricultural producers, though. Economy AIC, +2013 №8

. Kalina A.V. Labor Economics: Training. Guide.- K .: AIDP, 2004. - 272 p.

. Matsybora V.I. Agriculture Economics: Textbook.- K .: KNEU, 2000 - 372 p.

. Matsybora V.I., Zbarskyy V.K., Matsybora T.V. M. 47 Enterprise Economics: Training. Posibnyk.- K .: Caravel, 2012. - 312 p.

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