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Реферат Appendix a for the course paper "Australia"


2.4 Flora & Fauna

About 55 million years ago, Australia belonged to Gondwanaland, which was made up of a number of continents. It was almost completely covered in rainforest, the majority of which has dried up as it has separated and drifted into a warmer climate. Because of its age and isolation, Australia has developed an incredibly unique host of flora and fauna - from monotremes to eucalypts, deserts to wetlands, the Aussie land is like no other in the world. p align="justify"> Flora.The Australian landscape has a bit of everything - mountain ranges, rainforests, deserts and coastal dunes. The main types of flora within these varied environments are:

ТЗ Tropical rainforest

ТЗ Temperate rainforest

ТЗ Sclerophyllous forest (leathery and spiky)

ТЗ Woodlands (both wet and dry)

ТЗ Mulga scrubs (dry desert vegetation)

ТЗ Savanna and Steppe (grasslands in tropical/sub tropical and semi arid climates)

ТЗ Alpine grasslands (vegetation in the higher altitude Australian Alps)

ТЗ Desert

The most common tree in Australia is the Eucalypt, of which there are about 500 different species. Eucalyptus trees are found in almost all regions of Australia, and have become known as the iconic 'Aussie tree'. Another family well known are the Acacia and Wattle species - the Golden Wattle is Australia's national floral emblem.desert regions feature beautiful, hardy flowering plants like the Kangaroo Paw and the Sturt's Desert Pea. Because of the unique bird and insect species who assist in pollination, flowers have developed unique appearances designed to attract particular creatures - such as the Grevillea and Hakea.such as the Banksia, with hard, woody flower pods, are designed especially to germinate after bush fires - the flames burn the pod and release the seeds into the nutrient rich, post-fire soil where they successfully grow in the new generation bush-land.

Fauna. Australia is known for its unique animals. We've got it all. Dangerous spiders, giant birds, egg-laying mammals, beautiful frogs .... There are heaps of beautiful birds in Australia. Those that you would most likely to find on your verandah are the black and white Magpies and the grey and pink Galahs. In the tree tops, the stunning Rainbow Lorikeets and noisy Black Cockatoos are ones to look out for. The legendary huge birds, Emus and Cassowaries who run and don't fly, are def...

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