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Реферат The concept of wide comprehension

at will or will not and how the rights of man. Thus comprehension, including court can be considered content-an essential element of human rights. br/>


to the tasks that were to write a term paper, treating information sources, we can draw the following conclusions. - An institution that develops as society develops it, and nowadays in society brought about great changes. The direction of its development in the recent past determined the contradiction between capitalism and socialism, and accordingly, between law and its actual negation. types of legal understanding covering various concepts of law, which by common orientation in substantiating the essence of law combined with the appropriate legal schools. In most cases, any interpretation of law, based on the separation of law is perceived as a natural law concept, ie as one of the concepts of natural law school. This is not true, although it is the first of its representatives used the concept of "natural law" (independent of the state), and opposed its positive law (established state). In addition to theories of natural law school, legal type of law covers the legal concept of historical, psychological and sociological law schools, each of which also defines law as a phenomenon nadpozytyvne (supranational), but interprets it with their own positions. The result of combining the achievements listed securities law schools was the formation of a broad (multi-dimensional) type comprehension, which is the basis of integrative jurisprudence in general and integrative (synthetic) law school in particular. of law specifies the requirements of law, and at their pleasure and its true level in society. Comprehension as a source of law is a fundamental category of scientific research foundation of law. This study has practical value. And since practice - the criterion validity of the theory, there is also a feedback data categories: requirements of legality and execution determine an actual type of law. Today, according to a broad comprehension legitimacy is a complex socio-political phenomenon that reflects the legal nature of society, the harmonious relationship of law and state law. In this sense of legitimacy inherent in countries with a democratic political regime. the law as a multidimensional phenomenon and examining it as a positive (state), and in nadpozytyvnomu (supranational) dimensions, the theory of law and state thus reflects the most progressive type of law. This mapping is important for all law, since the theory of law and the state is ideological and methodological platform for the whole system of jurisprudence. of modern concepts of natural law school due to the history of natural law ideas. Formation of natural law ideas - logically sequential process in which each successive period related to the previous division into natural law and positive, that is a clear separation of law. Ensuring the im...

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