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Реферат Information Society Concept

Information Society Concept

every stage of human development level of society is determined by the degree of dominant technologies. Such technologies and determine the type of epoch (phase) develtion of mankind.the words Fukidzavy Yukiti, scientific technology is a tool of civilization and development which will ensure the welfare of society. Based on this, "tool" of the Information Society or Information stage of civilization is В¬ rence information technology.notion of "information technology" is a multi. Therefore, in determining its stresses that aspect in question (operations, organization, components, etc.). This case, when information technology (IT) understand computing, communications systems, which use to create, collect, transfer, storage and processing of information in all spheres of public life.comparison, consider a few common definitions.technology - a system of techniques and methods of collection, accumulation, storage, search and information processing based on the use of computer technology.technology - a process that uses a combination of means and methods of collecting, processing and transmission of data (primary data) to obtain qualitatively new information on the status of the object, process or phenomenon.to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology - a set of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines, studying the methods of efficient work of people engaged in processing and storage, computer equipment and methods of its interaction with people and production facilities, their practical applications, and associated with all these social, economic and cultural problems.it is information technology , the degree of their development and distribution determine the level of development of a particular state. All leading countries are working intensively conceptual foundations of information society: developing a multi-projects aimed at improving the information infrastructure, projects, information and legal support work, training and life in this society. The U. S. result of the National Program "Strategic Computer Initiative," Advanced software technology, "Microelectronics and computer technology", "new compu В¬ retrorgrade Initiative," National Information Infrastructure: Action Plan "were: developing a new generation of computers that have special knowledge, who can see, hear and speak, creating an information infrastructure that provides access to national information resources from anywhere in the country, on which virtually all computerized areas of human activity. Achieving the full information in the U. S. prog-nozuyetsya the second decade of the XXI century. The introduction of these highly intelligent technologies, such as information, generates a number of issues related to improving computer literacy. One of the latest applications - Challenge technological literacy "is aimed at improving the info...

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