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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Государствено-приватне партнерство в інноваційній сфері: заходи державної політики окремих країн

Реферат Государствено-приватне партнерство в інноваційній сфері: заходи державної політики окремих країн

10-30. P.2

Nyiri L., D. Osimo, R. Ozcivelek, C. Centeno, M. Cabrera. Public Procurement for the Promotionof R & D and Innovation in ICT. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007. 59 p. P. 11.

OECD Science, Technology and Industrial Outlook 20012: Ed. By D. Guellec.- Paris: OECD publications, 2012. - 466 p.// Електроннийресурс: [режімдоступа]:

keepeek/oecd/media/science-and-technology/oecd-science-technology-and-industry-outlook- 2012_sti_outlook - 2012-en

OECD Science, Technology and Industrial Outlook 2008: Ed. By D. Guellec.- Paris: OECD publications, 2008. - 263 p.- P. 89

Policy Responses to the Economic Crisis: Investing in Innovation for Long-Term Growth. Paris: OECD publications, 2009. 37 p. P. 29


A global transformation of the innovation systems / Resp. editor - N.I. Ivanova.- M: IMEMO ran, 2010. - 163 p.

Public-private partnership in the innovation sphere: outline report [collective of authors: N. Zolotikh, B. Simonov, G. Kurapov]. Moscow, 2003. 11 p.

Innovation activity and venture business: methodological manual / Voitov, I., Anischik V.,

Grishanovich, A., Tolochko N. - Minsk: BelISA, 2011. - 188 S. - C. 90.

Yasheva, G.A. Mechanisms of public-private partnership in the post-crisis stabilization and

innovative development of national economy / Economic forum. 2/2012 / / Electronic resource [access mode]: nbuv.gov/portal/Soc Gum/Ekfor/2012 2/21. Pdf

Energy Efficient Buildings Hub / МіністерствоенергетікіСША / / Режімдоступа: energy.gov/articles/ energy-efficient-buildings-hub

European Economic Recovery Plan / / Commission to the Economic Council.- Brussels, 2008 - [Electronic resource].- 2010. - Mode of access: eustat

Global Innovation Index 2011: Accelerating Growth and Development / Ed. by S. Dutta - INSEAD, Fontainebleau, 2011. 381 p. P. 78, 84.

Global Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Innovation Linkages for Global Growth / / Ed. by S. Dutta.- 464 p.- P. 6.

Memorandum for the heads of executive departments and agencies. M - 10-30. P.2

Nyiri L., D. Osimo, R. Ozcivelek, C. Centeno, M. Cabrera. Public Procurement for the Promotionof R & D and Innovation in ICT. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007. 59 p. P. 11.

OECD Science, Technology and Industrial Outlook 20012: Ed. By D. Guellec.- Paris: OECD publications, 2012. - 466 p.// Електроннийресурс: [режімдоступа]:

keepeek/oecd/media/science-and-technology/oecd-science-technology-and- industry-outlook - 2012_sti_outlook - 2012-en

OECD Science, Technology and Industrial Outlook 2008: Ed. By D. Guellec.- Paris: OECD publications, 2008. - 263 p.- P. 89.

Policy Responses to the Economic Crisis: Investing in Innovation for Long-Term Growth. Paris: OECD publications, 2009. 37 p. P. 29

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Дата додавання: 21.07.2014

Назад | сторінка 17 з 17

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