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Реферат Генно модифіковані продукти. Проблеми, перспективи

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. Ewen, S.W. Health risks of genetically modified foods//SW Ewen, A. Pusztai - Lancet.- 1999 - V. 354 - p. 684.

. Mason, H.S. Expression of Norwalk virus capsid protein in transgenic tobacco and potato and its oral immunogenicity in mice//HS Mason, J.M. Ball, J.J. Shi, X. Jiang, M.K. Estes, C.J. Arntzen - Proc Natl Acad Sci US A. - 1996. - V.93 - p. 5335-5340.

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. Antoniuk, V.O. Isolation of lectin from horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) seeds and study of its interaction with carbohydrates and glycoproteins//VO Antoniuk - Ukr Biokhim Zh.- 1992. - p. 47-52.

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. Lauterslager, T.G. Oral immunisation of naive and primed animals with transgenic potato tubers expressing LT-B//TG Lauterslager, D.E. Florack, T.J. van der Wal, J.W. Molthoff, J.P. Langeveld, D. Bosch, W.J. Boersma, L.A. Hilgers - Vaccine.- 2001. - V.19.- P. 2749-2755.

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. Dale, P.J. Public concerns over transgenic crops//P.J. Dale - Genome Res - 1999. - V.9.- P. 1159-1162.

. Halford, N.G. Genetically modified crops: methodology, benefits, regulation and public concerns//NG Halford, P.R. Shewry - Br Med Bull.- 2000. - V.56.- P. 62-73.

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. Okunuki, H. Increased digestibility of two products in genetically modified food (CP4-EPSPS and Cry1Ab) after preheating//H. Okunuki, R. Teshima, T. Shiget, J. Sakushima, H. Akiyama, Y. Goda, M. Toyoda, J. Sawada - Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi.- 2002. - V.43.- P. 68-73.

. Teshima, R. Effect of subchronic feeding of genetically modified corn (CBH351) on immune system in BN rats and B10A mice//R. Teshima, T. Watanabe, H. Okunuki, K. Isuzugawa, H. Akiyama, H. Onodera, T. Imai, M. Toyoda, J. Sawada.- Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi.- 2002. - V. 43. - p. 273-279.

. Phipps, R.H. Detection of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA in rumen fluid, duodenal digesta, milk, blood, and feces of lactating dairy cows//RH Phipps, E.R. Deaville, B.C. Maddison.- J Dairy Sci.- 2003. - V.86.- P. 4070-4078.

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. Vazquez-Padron, R.I. Characterization of the mucosal and systemic immune response induced by Cry1Ac protein from Bacillus thuringiensis HD 73 in mice//RI Vazquez-Padron, L. Moreno-Fierros, L. Neri-Bazan, AF Martinez-Gil, G.A. de-la-Riva, R. Lopez-Revilla.- Braz J Med Biol Res.- 2000. - V. 33. - p. 147-155.

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