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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Каталітичну дію хіральних n5-комплексів Zr в реакціях алюмінійорганіческіх сполук з термінальними алкенами

Реферат Каталітичну дію хіральних n5-комплексів Zr в реакціях алюмінійорганіческіх сполук з термінальними алкенами

.- 2004. - E60.- P.m1108-m1110.

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.Izmer V.V. Synthesis and molecular structures of zirconium and hafnium complexes bearing dimethylsilandiyl-bis - 2,4,6-trimethylindenyl and dimethylsilandiyl-bis - 2-methyl - 4,6-diisopropylindenyl ligands/VV Izmer, D.A. Sorokin, L.G. Kuzmina, A.V. Churakov, J.A.K. Howard, A. Z. Voskoboynikov//J. Organomet. Chem.- 2005. - V.690.- Is.4.- P.1067-1079.

104.Huttenhofer, M. Substituted Silastannatetrahydro-s-indacenes as Cyclopentadienyl Transfer Agents in the Synthesis of Silanediyl-Bridged Zirconocene Complexes/M. Huttenhofer, M.-H. Prosens, U. Rief, F. Schaper, H.-H. Brintzinger//Organometallics.- 1996. - V.15.- No.22.- P.4816-4822.

105.Huttenhofer, M. Synthese eines Ansa-Zirconocens uber eine neue S4-symmetrische Spirobis (silastannaindacen) - Verbindung/M. Huttenhofer, F. Schaper, H.-H. Brintzinger//Angew. Chem.- 1998. - V.110.- No.6.- P.2378-2380.

106.Hьttenhofer M. Synthesis of an ansa-Zirconocene via a Novel S4-Symmetric Spirobis (silastannaindacene) Compound/M. Hьttenhofer, F. Schaper, HH. Brintzinger//Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.- 1998. - V.37.- No.16.- P.2268-2270.

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110.Nifant ev I.E. Synthesis of Bimetallic Complexes via 4-Stannatetrahydro-s -indacenes/IE Nifant ev, M.V. Borzov, A.V. Churakov, Sh.G. Mkoyan, L.O. Atovmyan//Organometallics.- 1992. - V.11.- P.3942-3947.

111.Nifantev I.E. Synthesis of Zirconium and Hafnium ansa- Metallocenes via Transmetalation of Dielement - Substituted Bis (cyclopentadienyl) and Bis (indenyl) Ligands/IE Nifantev, P.V. Ivchenko//Organometallics.- 1997. - V.16.- No.4.- P.713-715.

.Park J.T. An efficient synthetic method of ansa-zirconocene dimethyl complexes via Me2ZrCl2/JT Park, B.W. Woo, S.Ch. Yoon, S.Ch. Shim//J. Organomet. Chem.- 1997. - V.535.- P.29-32.

113.Damrau H.-R.H. Racemo-Selective Synthesis of ansa-Zirconocene

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114.Bryliakov K.P. ansa-Titanocene Catalysts for r-Olefin Polymerization. Syntheses, Structures, and Reactions with Methylaluminoxane and Boron-Based Activators/KP Bryliakov, D.E. Babushkin, E.P. Talsi, A.Z. Voskoboynikov, H. Gritzo, L. Schroder, H.-R.H. Damrau, Ul. Wieser, Fr. Schaper, H.-H. Brintzinger//Organometallics.- 2005. - V.24.- No.5.- P.894-904.

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116.Diamond G.M. Synthesis of Me2Si-Bridged ansa-Zirconocenes by Amine Elimination/GM Diamond, R.F. Jordan, J.L. Petersen//Organometallics.- 1996. - V.15.- No.19.- P.4045-4053.

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