Назв Вже існує! ', false, false, true, false);. SetFocus;. DBClose;;; length (m_Recname) <1 then.run (' Неможливо Зберегти рецепт. '+ # 13 +' Введіть, будь-ласка , Назву рецептом! ', false, false, true, false);. SetFocus;. DBClose;;; m_editMode then: = tdb_lib.SeekForLong (db, 1, m_ID, false); rn> 0 then.DirectWritestring (rn, 3, m_RecName);. DBClose (true);. Lines.SaveToFile (m_filename); _isEntered: = true; _needToSave: = false;;;: = db.RecordCount + 1;: = CalcMaxLongValue (db, 1) + 1; _catID: = longint (cb.Items.Objects [cb.ItemIndex]);. DirectWriteLong (rn, 1, newID);. DirectWriteLong (rn, 2, m_CatID);. DirectWriteString (rn, 3, m_Recname); _filename: = MainForm.m_DataFolder + along2str (newID) + '. rec';. Lines.SaveToFile (m_filename);. DBClose; _isEntered: = true; _needToSave: = false;;;;
TRecEditorForm.StatusText: string;, row, col, sym: longint;: = 0;: = length (memo.Lines [memo.Lines.count - 1]);: = memo.Lines . Count; i: = 0 to memo.Lines.Count - 1 do: = sym + length (memo.Lines [i]);: = inttostr (row) + 'рядків,' + inttostr (sym) + 'сімволів' ;;
TRecEditorForm.OnChange;. Panels [1]. Text: = StatusText;;
TRecEditorForm.OnExit: boolean; m_NeedToSave then.Run ('Текст рецепті не Збереження.' +
# 13 + 'Зберегти текст?', true, true, false, true); AskDialog.m_SelectedItem of
: OnSave;
: begin_needToSave: = false;: = true; _isEntered: = false;;;
: begin: = false;;;;;: = true;; TRecEditorForm.ApplyNormColorsOverRGB;. Color: = RGB (196, 203, 222);. Color: = RGB (196, 203, 222); _cl3Dlight: = RGB (227, 227, 227); _ClCream: = RGB (255, 251, 240);. Color: = m_cl3Dlight;. Color: = m_cl3Dlight;. Color: = m_cl3Dlight;;