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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Пасивний стан англійської та узбецької мов

Реферат Пасивний стан англійської та узбецької мов

t lower your intonation.B: Your book is closed. Supply the correct preposition and finish the sentence with your own words.: I am interested .......... A: (book open) I am interested ....... B: (book closed) I am interested in the history of architecture.

1. Are you related ....

. (......) Is worried ......

. I am not accustomed ....

. (....) Is dressed ......

. My foot is connected ......

Switch roles.

6) The walls of this room are covered ....

) This class is composed ....

) (....) is married ......

) I am opposed .......

) Are you acquainted ......

6) Вправи для заучування співвідносних активних і пасивних конструкцій і на трансформацію активних конструкцій в пасивні дають учням можливість вибрати необхідну конструкцію .

Активні і пасивні конструкції виражають одну і тут же ситуацію, але тільки з різною точки напрямки дії.

Example: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell

1. Mark Twain wrote Tom Sawyer .

. He wrote Huckleberry Finn too.

. Henry Mancini composed Moon River .

. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

. Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Mona Liza .

. Ernest Hemingway wrote The Old Man and the Sea .

. The Wright brothers invented the airplane.

. Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity.

. George Lucas directed Star Wars .

. Barbra Streisand sang People .

11. George Gershwin composed Porgy and Bess .

. Anthony Hopkins played President Nixon in a 1995 movie.

7) Вправи для заучування співвідносних активних і пасивних конструкцій на трансформацію пасивних конструкцій в активні.

Example: Several Oscar presentations have been hosted by Billy Crystal.

Billy Crystal has hosted several Oscar presentations.

1. E.T. was made by Steven Spielberg.

. Jurassic Park was directed by him too.

. Shakespeare was played by Joseph Fiennes in a 1998 movie.

. Many novels have been written by Stephen King.

. Novels are rewritten by screenwriters to make them into movies.

. Many great movies have been made by Steven Spielberg.

. Steven Spielberg was given an award by the Academy for Schindler s List.

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