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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Пасивний стан англійської та узбецької мов

Реферат Пасивний стан англійської та узбецької мов

fy"> 4. ? Ар йілі Янгі мактаблар? Уріладі.

5. Кўчамізда Янгі уй? Уріліяпті.

6. Хат соат іккіда Олінда.

7. Кітоблар Ертаг жунатіладі.

2) Вправи на розкриття дужок. У цьому типі вправ студенти повинні дати відповідні форми пасиву.

1. The (steal) stolen jewelry was recovered.

. Success in one s work is a (satisfy) ___________________ experience.

. The dragon was a (terrify) ____________________ sight for the villagers.

. The (terrify) __________________ villagers ran for their lives.

. I found myself in an embarrass ___________________ situation last night.

. I elbowed my way through the (crowd) ______________ room.

. The (injure) ________________ woman was put into an ambulance.

. No one appreciates a (spoil) ______________ child.

. We all expect our (elect) __________________ officials to be honest.

3) Вправи для освіти питальній форми пропозиції з пасивними заставами. Ці завдання допомагають учням зосередити увагу на правильному розташуванні в питальних реченнях допоміжного дієслова to be пасивного стану.

1. Who they (to invite) to the Oscar presentation?

. The tickets (to buy) by your brother?

. The music (to write) by Randy Newman?

. When the terrible event (to happen)?

. What problems (to discuss) tomorrow?

. The letter (to send) before she came?

4) Вправи на вживання пасивного стану з модальними дієсловами:


1. James (should + tell) should be told the news as soon as possible.

. Someone (should + tell) should told James the news immediately.

. James (should + tell) should have been told the news a long time ago.

. Meet (must + keep) ____________________ in a refrigerator or it will spoil.

. You (must + keep) ________________ meat in a refrigerator or it will spoil.

. We tried, but the window (couldn t + open) ___________. It was painted shut.

. I tried, but I (couldn tt + open) _______________ the window.

. Good news! I (may + offer) _______________ a job soon. I had an interview at an engineering firm yesterday.

. Chris had good news. The engineering firm where she had an interview yesterday (may + offer) _____________________ her a job soon.

. I hope Chris accepts our job offer, but I know she s been having interviews with several companies. She (may + already + offer) ______________ a job by a competing firm before we made our offer.

5) Вправи на вживання пасивного стану з прийменниками: треба працювати парами.

Speaker A: Your book is open. Give the cue. Don ...

Назад | сторінка 18 з 28 | Наступна сторінка

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