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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British

Реферат Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British

his/her internal language system.

. Interaction - communication with other people. Classroom interaction refers to the communication which takes place between teacher and pupils, and pupils and their peers.

. Motivation - something that inspires action

14. Classroom management - it means developing, creating classroom for maximize use.

. Violence - exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse.

1. What is mass media?

. 1 The structure of mass media

is a process of transmitting information to the public. It is manipulation of symbols-words, pictures and expressions. What people think about politics arise out of their understanding of symbols. But these are just symbols, not realities. Unless we ourselves are in the White House Oval Office, we can not really know what is happening. We can only know the political world through the symbols communicated to us by media.Edelman, political scientist explains: For most people most of the time politics is a series of pictures in the mind, placed there by television news, newspapers, magazines and discussion. The pictures create a moving panorama taking place in a world the mass public never quite touches, yet one its member come to fear and cheer, often with passion and sometimes with action. Politics for most of people is a passing parade of abstract symbols. Raquo; [18] mass media are all the channels of communication that carry messages to the general public. There are eight principal mass media-televisions, books, newspapers, motion pictures, magazines, radio, internet and recordings. The following paragraphs will deal with the three most important media and their possible influence on public opinion.most popular medium of communication is television. It became usable in the late 1930 s but then the World War II has delayed its development. The commercial TV broadcasting started in the late 1 940 s. The years between 1950 and 1 958 meant a big explosion of TV sets. While in 1 950 there were about 4 millions televisions, in 1 958 there were forty-one million families having a TV set., Most homes in Britain have a television set, and the average home set is turned on seven hours a day. According to Nielsen Media Research from the year 2006, an average British watches television four hours thirty five minutes a day. The number of homes connected to cable television systems is rapidly growing. This medium is the most common source of news for the most British and it is the most believable source of news. Between 1958 and 1960, television passed newspapers as the most believable medium and three years later as a source of most news. The graph below from the year 1987 reveals that most people trust television news than that of any other medium. Even more, in 2004 more than ninety percent of the British used TV as the primary source of new information. [13] is unique in more ways. It is immediate because it can show news from different parts of the world life. It is also special for its visual content because it increases emotional appeal and brings a sense of legitimacy to the viewers. The arrival of television meant a revolution in personalizing communication.highly influencing media are newspapers. They were the first medium with the purpose to communicate new information to a large public. The first published newspapers in England were published in April 1704. They were published weekly and were one page long. In the past they were also used to promote public support to different issues as for example ratifying the Constitution. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the number of newspapers and magazines grew dramatically from around 200 in 1800 to around 1 200 in 1 830 s. In 1833 came an important change the invention of penny press, which was cheap newspaper containing sensationalized stories and was sold to the working class. [20] about 70 percent of the population reads newspapers. The average British spends twenty minutes a day reading them. About eighteen hundred daily newspapers are published. Though the numbers of newspapers readers still reach millions, the sale of newspaper is sinking. In the age of the rise of the Internet more and more people look for new information online and do not bother themselves with the printed papers. The average age of an British newspaper reader is fifty five and this number is still rising. Younger people do not seem to be interested in reading newspapers - only nineteen percent of British s between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four admit of reading any type of printed news journals. Independent British newspapers have lost forty two percent of their market value since 2005. As a good example can serve the Times Company, whose stock has declined by fifty four percent since th...

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